Chapter 6 - Morning Surprises and Midnight Revelations

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"I decide to go out and get some supplies that I am sure the treacherous Bayou doctor didn't give you for pregnancy." She informs me as she pulls bottles of prenatal vitamins out of her magical bag of things.

"You went to a doctor?" Elijah asks as he stands in the doorway of the kitchen.

As I look to Elijah, Kelsey starts the blender again. Delilah looks between me and Elijah before pulling the plug on the blender, bringing silence back into the kitchen.

"Yes. It was a trap though. So that the witches, who believe my baby will be a bit too much like me and Klaus, could try to kill me." I explain as I open the cupboard behind me in search of some pop tarts.

Elijah walks towards me and moves next to me, opening the fridge. I pull my pop-tart box out but before I can open them, Elijah takes them away and puts a bowl of cereal in their place instead.

"So, these murderous witches. I have some concerns." Elijah says as he removes my breakfast and is replaced by his instead.

"Like I have said before, they are evil. And mine and the baby's life is still magically linked to Sophie Deveraux which I don't partially feel comfortable." I tell him as I give him a dirty look as I pull a spoon out a drawer.

"Yes, I think it's time we took care of that little problem." Elijah says.

"I am all for it. As soon as they're unlinked, we get to leave this crap town. Who do we have to kill?" Rebekah comments as she walks back into the kitchen, dragging the corpse of Klaus's girl behind her.

Elijah thinks about for a moment as I take a spoon full of cereal.

"Probably no one." He say.

I put my spoon back in my bowl and give him a look of disbelief which makes Elijah rolls his eyes and sigh.

"Alright. Potentially everyone." He concludes which makes me smirk in triumphal.

"Sounds like fun." Kelsey comments.

As I go to take another bite of my cereal, it is taken away and replaced by a very green drink. I look at it before looking over to Delilah with a questioning look.

"Drink that and take these as well." Delilah says as she pushes pills towards me across the counter.

I look at the pills and the very green drink in front of me before looking back at Delilah, unimpressed.

"You can have one or another because if I drink that-" I gesture to the green drink, "- than everything I have ingested will come out straight after." I inform her.

Delilah sighs and reluctantly pulls the glass away from me, drinking it herself as she puts my cereal back in its place. I reach over and pick up the pills giving Delilah a smile as I do.

I turn around to the fridge to get something to drink but when I turn around Elijah is already holding a glass of orange juice out to me.

"Thanks." I say as I take the glass from him and take the pills.

Elijah nods at me after I do before he leaves the kitchen, going back to Klaus.

I turn back to Delilah, showing her my tongue to prove I took the pills which makes Delilah roll her eyes.

"You have really grown since the last time we saw you." Kelsey pipes up with as she looks at my bump.

Delilah brings her attention to my bump as well and gives it an intrigued look as she does. She moves forward and places her hand on it as she examines me.

"She is right."

"Delilah..." I say, concerned.

In all the lives Delilah lived while being alive she spent most of it helping out in hospitals and clinics.

The Enchantress² | N + E MikaelsonOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz