| Year 3 | Chapter 4: Summertime (Sadness)

Start from the beginning

"How lovely to meet you!" Marley's mother offers Ginny her hand. "I'm Felicity, Marlene's mom. You must be her friends?" I am pretty sure Marley already introduced some of her friends to her mom, but she gives no sign of this.

"Wait, your name's Marlene?" Liliana is com- pletely flabbergasted by this news. "You never told us!" Ginny snorts as Marley rolls her eyes. "I'm pretty sure it's on the student list and the sign with our names that is next to our dorm room." I straight up laugh at Liliana's blushing face.

"Oh, so you're her gryffindor friends?" Amos Diggory asks us, giving us all a close look. Like everyone, he stops briefly at the scars that line my face.

"Dad stop it," Marley mouths to her father under her breath, but with my close hearing, I can catch it easily. "This is Liliana, Ginny and Lucy."

"Let me guess, two Weasleys and a Shackle- bolt?" Amos smiles smugly at us, going to offer his hand to me. At the last moment, he holds back and switches to Ginny. Well, this is nice.

"Actually Dad-" Cedric begins to correct, but I cut in myself. "I'm Lucy Potter sir. Pleasure to meet you." I offer my hand to him again.

"Lucy- P-potter?!"

"That's right. I get the confusion though. You see, my mother Lily Potter, had red hair as well."

"We knew Lily when we were young," Marley's mom brings up. "She was in my year at Hogwarts. Really clever girl, right Amos?" Wait, what? I'll have to ask Remus later.

"Really? What house were you in then?" Liliana asks her. "My dad too, Kingsly Shacklebolt." Felicity Diggory nods with a warm smile. "I was a Gryffindor. I knew your father too, indeed. He was really kind to me when I needed a good friend..."

Something of sadness passes over her face, but it dissolves so quickly, I almost miss it. What happened to you? "Never mind that. Could you give him my greetings when you see him? I'm afraid I haven't seen him in a long time."

"Of course!"

Not long after, the Diggory family continues their shopping day and we're a trio again. "Who's Marley's mom?" I ask Ginny and Liliana later. They both shrug, which is something curious too: their parents work at the Ministry, one of them was even the same age as this woman. Yet Liliana and Ginny dom't know one thing about her.

"I could always ask Dad," Liliana offers me. "He'll know who she is of course." And I could ask Remus, Full Moon is tomorrow.


Marley's POV:

"So those are your friends now, Marlene?" Dad turns to me with that smile. The fake one, but he's trying to make it real for me. At least he's trying.

"Yeah. They're also my room mates. And they're great!" Mom shoots Dad a stern look, ordering him to stop. As always, he does, because he loves her and she has the upper hand here.

"Well, what kind of girl is Lucy Potter then?" I exchange a look with Cedric. Here we go. "Is she clever? And what're those..."


"Really Dad?!" I scoff at him. "You've never so much as looked at anyone's appearence. Why start now? Lucy's a really good friend of mine!"

"I know honey, I'm sorry. It won't happen again, I promise. What are they like?"

"They're the pranksters of Hogwarts," Cedric tunes in before I can answer. "Right in line with Fred and George Weasley!" Mom stills next to me and Amos shoots her a concerned look.

Lucy Potter: Harry's little sisterWhere stories live. Discover now