↣ chapter seventeen

Start from the beginning

The song that was playing in her ear shuffled, the slow beat replacing the exciting one she was just hearing. As she was walking to get her coffee from the table after being called, the music embarked and she bobbed her head to the rhythm in a subtle manner, mumbling its words.

[See multimedia: Maybe It's Not Our Fault — Yeri Baek]

To be honest, I don't really know
Where this troubled heart started to form
And came in between us

It bloomed while I wasn't aware
And grew into a big scar between us
Maybe it's not our fault

She looked around as she sipped on the straw of her coffee boost until her gaze was swiftly stolen by the man that walked in the room unknowing of her eyes that are glued on him. And only him.

He wore an all-black outfit, as per usual, with his black cap worn backwards, exposing his orbs in its intimidating resting state, the sharp edges of his face sculpting a symmetrical beaut that had Heejung stop for a second to catch her breath.

She hated that second. Because it only proves how dangerous it could be for her if he gets close.

She would lose her breath. Her systems would malfunction.

And it just did.

His wandering pupils met hers that tried painfully hard to avert, but still failed since he came advancing towards her who's stood a distance from the counter.

"Hey, you." A smirk run on his lips as he crossed his arms on his wide chest. Heejung blinked, at a loss of words.


His smirk turned into a full smile, and she could not normalize the proper pace of her breathing.

"You're here."

"I am," she chuckled. "Just got me some c-coffee." She jiggled the drink in her hand, a bit awkwardly.

What is going on with her? Wasn't she the one who shamelessly offered the gorgeous man to drive him home just a few days ago?

Where did that tough girl go?

"You went to SM to get yourself some coffee?" Sehun laughed, finding her so funny. "What's so different with SM's coffee that you had to—"

"No, I mean, I just came here for a short break. I'm in the middle of a recording."

"Oh, really?" His orbs painted in wonder. "Which artist?"


"Right, they're also preparing for a comeback." He nodded to himself.

She looked behind him and noticed no one was with him. "Where are the other guys?"

"Oh. We just finished our schedule. They've all gone to go do their own thing, so I'm free by myself now."

"I see." She bobbed her head as she intake his words before clicking her lips together. "Well, I better get going."

"Oh, yeah! Want me to walk you back?"

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