💜 Chapter Nine 💜

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To be continued
Time skip...

He frown. He received another call from unknown number. Jin looks to left, then to the right. He carefully turn but he can't find Jungkook.

It's been four days since Jungkook apologised, after that he never see him even in the morning. He is so used seeing his smile, greeting him every morning. He sighs.

"Ohhh.. LQ ...?", he heard a voice behind him..

"Hi Irene..!", Jin greet her then try to smile.

"Care to tell us what happened to our favorite couple?", Irene jokingly said.

"Uhm - what if you learned that your mate kiss someone before you met each other?", Jin asks and cover his mouth. Already regretting what he said. He barely know than her friend but he feel kinda safe with her . She's beautiful also looks friendly.

"It depends. If the incident happened before I met my mate, it will hurt but it's forgivable for me since it happened before I met him. If the incident happened while we are together or after he/she met his/her mate, no need to think twice I will reject him", Irene seriously said.

"Jin, it makes me wonder. I think I already saw your mate before I saw him at the gate of the school. Is he a model or actor or something like that?", Irene curiously asks.

Jin giggle before answering, "Something like that".

"You cute! Anyway,.....?", Irene asks and Jin shake her hands.....

Jin been waiting and also, looking forward having a mate. Like Jungkook said, he don't need to believe him easily but give him a chance instead.

Jin look at the clock, he works at 8 pm but he is already at the Height Palace Hotel at six. He goes to the part of the hotel where pictures of past customer's are posted....
Of course with every customer's permission.
Jin stop and smile at the particular picture. His parents during their engagement.

He is quite nervous as he enter the elevator. He click the 20th floor where the Penthouse is located. As he goes out of the elevator, a guard looks at him, "Who are you? Do you have an appointment?".

Jin stop. He don't what to say, he is wearing his casual clothes not even his hotel uniform. "Uhm, I'm - ah", Jin don't know what to say.

"Let him be", both him and guard to the one who spoke. Jin look at him, he remember only as Jungkook assistant.

"Hi! I'm Eunwoo. You know your mate's handsome assistant right ...and also a childhood best friend", the guy cooly said. Jin step back but stop when Eunwoo open the door.

Jin takes a deep breathe and walks in. familiar scent fills his nose.

"Have you order my meal, Eunwoo? If you didn't you I will...-", Jin blush upon seeing Jungkook lying in the floor topless exposed his beautiful work of art tattoo and wearing gray sweat pants. He avert his eyes.

Eunwoo chuckles. Jungkook turn angrily but eyes, suddenly widen upon seeing him.

Jin still not looking at Jungkook direction asks, "Is this a bad time?".maybe Jin sighs ..

"No. Wait -", Jungkook said. He heard a bump sound, an ouch before the sound of the door closing follows.

A few hours later

Jungkook curse while changing clothes. Jin see him in his worse condition. He can't helped feeling down after Jin didn't comment or said anything after he said sorry. Though it's Jin responsibility to answer. He's been a jerk and he hurt him so he understand Jin. Wait - is Jin going to reject him? Jungkook stop at door and suddenly he can't breathe.

Jungkook close his eyes, counted before going out in the living room where Jin is.

He sit quietly as he look to Jin. Memorising the cute features because he knows it will be the last day of them being mates. Jin will reject him.

"Sir Jungkook, are you okay?", Jungkook frozen upon feeling the warm hand on his cheek. He didn't noticed that Jin move, he is engrossed thinking the possible rejection.

He put his hand on the small one. Smile a little, "I am, ....".

"I'm sorry. I just - uhm you seem sad and I-", Jin try to pull his hand and Jungkook let him. He know Jin need his space after what he did.

"So, I came here because I wanted to talk about us- being mates -", Jin nervously said.

Before Jungkook can think, he kneel before Jin with his head low.

An alpha will never do this, as the highest rank in the hierarchy but the alpha in him whimper.

Again To be continued...☺️

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