Secret Not So Secret Meetings

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All Might figured these meetings wouldn't be allowed but he needed to talk to the kid without Aizawa hovering about behind him. He had told Midoryia that the meetings are allowed which was a lie. Midoryia saw though the lie like a window but didn't want to question the Hero out of fear of being told off. The meetings were short chats about his quirk progress and training techniques, it was going fine until today's meeting...

"You need to keep up your training so you can be the Number 1 Hero unlike that Bakugou, he doesn't have the heart to be a hero especially his angry outbursts he'd just be extra damage."
As All Might spoke Midoryia felt angry and upset, yes Kacchan bullied him and told him to jump off a roof but now he's older he kinda understands that he was just doing what society taught him, yeah he gets angry a lot but he's not 'extra damage' with some improvement he will be an amazing hero. Midoryia thoughts got cut off by All Mights voice.
"Are you even listening to me boy?" He asked in a stern tone of voice. At this moment Midoriya realised he needs to tell Aizawa about these meetings, he tried to push his anxious feeling about telling him down as he responded to All Might.

"Kacchan is perfectly capable of being a hero and quite honestly I don't give a shit about what ranking I will be, as long as I can help other people and save lives then who cares if I'm Number 1 or Number 50."  Midoriya stood up confidently and waited for All Might to say something, after a few seconds of staring at a speechless All Might waiting on him to find his words.

"Young Midoriya you can not speak to your Sensei like that, you will become the Number 1 you don't get a choice!" he says borderline shouting.

"You can't tell me how to speak when your saying Kacchan can't be a hero when you have no idea, and the first time I met you you told me I couldn't be a hero and left me on the fucking roof!! Do you actually have faith in anyone other than yourself? Your trying to force me into being an exact replica of you, I'm not you I am Izuku Midoriya! and with that he stormed out the room slamming the door behind him.

Midoriya walked down the corridor overthinking everything that he just said, he's never snapped at someone like that before and it had the the Number 1 Hero in the whole of Japan. Can he even tell Aizawa now? Surely he would get expelled for yelling at All Might. He didn't realise he was crying until a hand on his shoulder got his attention and flinched back to see a very concerned Present Mic looking at him.

"Hey little listener you wanna tell me what's got you upset?" He crouched down to the kids level and spoke softly to him. The kid thinks for a moment before he spoke..

"I-I can't tell anyone or I'll be expelled." the kid looked down anxiously at his feet no longer crying but you can tell something is seriously bothering him.  Mic looks confused for a moment and then tells him that he will not be expelled and he can trust Mic." Before the kid could say anything another voice added to the conversation.

"Problem Child, Can you explain what has happened here and before you panic I can assure that you will not be expelled." Aizawa spoke in a low comforting tone of voice as he too crouched down to be at the kids level. Midoriya took a deep breath before saying.. "I yelled and swore at All Might" Aizawa and Mic exchanged a quick glance before Aizawa spoke once again..

"What did he say or do to make you do that? You don't seem the sort of person to snap like that?" Aizawa's tone was annoyed but he wasn't annoyed with the kid. "O-ok it started last week after I told you about my quirk we have been having secret 1-1 meetings and he lied to me and said you approved it, I didn't want to say anything because I was scared of him telling me off so I just went along with it. But today he said that Kacchan doesn't have the heart to be a hero and he will cause 'extra damage' due to his anger so I snapped.." he pauses for a moment before repeating what he yelled at the Hero. For the second time he didn't realise he was crying again until warm arms pulled him into a hug. He looked up to find Mic walking away and Aizawa holding him.

"Hey kid? I'm proud of you for standing up for yourself, Hizashi has gone to talk to Nezu about this as he needs to know but you will NOT be punished you hear me kiddo?" Aizawa spoke in that protective dad tone of voice. Midoriya was exhausted so just gave him an affirmative hum and nodded his head.  "Let's get you back to the dorms so you can get some rest," Aizawa helped the kid up and they took a slow silent walk to the dorms. Midoriya hugs him again and whispers a thanks before going in his room for a nap.

Aizawa logically decides to look for Hizashi in Nezu's office which of course is correct, what he was not expecting is All Might in his small form with a briefcase. He gave Nezu a questioning look as if to say 'explain'. Which he proceeded to do in a smug but angry tone of voice....

"Ah Aizawa I was expecting you to show up." he takes a sip of tea before continuing. "Hizashi here has filled me in on what happened this afternoon and after last week I have decided to fire All Might from teaching here," Aizawa joined Nezu with a smug look on his face. "For Midoriya's protection this will be kept between us, All Might is not allowed near the child until said otherwise. He has left his notes in your tray Aizawa so you know how to train him properly.

Aizawa and Hizashi thank Nezu before they escorted a very pissed Small Might into a taxi. (which Aizawa loved way more than he can ever admit). Aizawa and Hizashi head to the dorms to find 18 very confused students staring at Hizashi.

"Ahhh I forgot to come back in and tell you guys I wouldn't be back." he awkwardly admits while Aizawa scoffs at his Husband's admission. The kids just snicker and shrug it off before going back to whatever they were doing. '18? there was only 18, where the hell is Bakugou?' Aizawa thinks to himself before going to see if he's in his room. he knocks and with no reply he cracks the door open to see an empty room. 'Where the fuck is the kid?'

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