A Different Start

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⊱ ────── {.⋅ ✯ ⋅.} ────── ⊰
𝐀 𝐃𝐢𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭
"I'm stuck in the sunshine riptide..."


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"Come on, Emily, stop being stubborn."

"He is not going to that place, I don't care what Dumbledore's orders were. My godson stays with me, as was their wish should anything happen to them." Emily gripped the baby against her chest, glaring fiercely at the half-giant before her.

And as if speaking his name has summoned him, the headmaster of Hogwarts apparated before her, accompanied by Professor McGonagall.

"Hagrid, we've been waiting for over an hour."

"Well, you're gonna keep waiting for longer. You're daft if you think I'm going to let you pack Harry off to the Dursleys," Emily snarled, "Petunia hated Lily, hated magic, how do you expect they'll treat him if he went there?!"

"Emily, there are things that you don't understand-" Dumbledore spoke calmly, only to be interrupted.

"Only because you never tell us. Explain to me then, what is it that I don't understand, because I want to know what's going through your head that justifies sending a child into that place."

"Miss Silveira," McGonagall scolded, momentarily falling back to her student days.

"It's Mrs. Black, now, Professor, how could you forget when you came to the wedding?" Emily snapped sharply, displeased at the sound of her maiden name.

"Well?" She demanded of Dumbledore.

"Hagrid, Minerva." Understanding his meaning, both left the two alone.

"Emily, you already have your hands full with the twins-" he was cut off yet again.

"Bullshit excuse. Molly's got twins too on top three older ones and she's managing just fine. I've got enough money to raise ten children if I wanted to, so give me the real reason you're trying to do this." Emily snapped once more, patience running thin.

Though the headmaster couldn't see it, and he most definitely suspected it, Emily was anxious. Anxious, grief stricken and angry. Two of her best friends were dead, people she considered her brother and sister, her husband had run off in a rage as soon as he saw their bodies and now here was Dumbledore, trying to send her godson to a place he was sure to be abused.

"His mother's love is what protected him," Dumbledore finally relented. "Petunia is her blood sister, it will keep him protected until he is seventeen-"

Emily let out a scornful laugh. "Is that what this is?" Her sapphire eyes burned with rage. Her wrath was cold, cold as ice, yet so fearful that even one of the most powerful wizards in the world fell silent before it, though he was much taller than her.

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