Ye Mu had gone to hide behind a pillar before the explosion and then heard horrible shrieks after the explosion. This was her chance to escape out the windows!

She was a little flustered because she had so many wounds that kept dripping with blood.

She also had a headache. The excessive loss of blood didn’t let her come round if Old Liu had betrayed her, or if there was a spy around Old Liu and he was found out.

Ye Mu who wasn’t able to think in the end ran back to her own rented small courtyard.

But this wasn’t a place to linger for long. They would chase after her from the smell of her blood. She must give them a good show!

Ye Mu gritted her teeth as she quickly and carelessly bandaged herself while taking out the thing she prepared these few days.

When more internal energy masters ran after the bloodstains, they saw Ye Mu standing by herself in the courtyard.

Fear still lingered from the strange hidden weapon Ye Mu used before, so now they didn’t dare go near and stand on the enclosing walls. Not long after, she was surrounded.

Ye Mu sat in the middle of the courtyard as though she’d given up struggling. She weakly looked at them.

“Who exactly are you, Li’s people? If I have to die, you should at least let me know!”

The previous men in black had died. A new leader came out and looked at her with a cold smile.

“You’re a woman, so why did you have the guts to come to Li Country? Turns out you have something terrifying! Your previous weapon was really interesting. My fellow men were all harmed, but that weapon was of excellent workmanship, so you must not have many on your person, right?”

Ye Mu ignored his probing. She directly asked, “You’re Min Liang’s people, am I right? Ask Min Liang to come and see me, otherwise, suffer the consequences!”

Ye Mu was surrounded, and yet she still held such a manner, making everyone quite overwhelmed.

The leader in black asked, “So close to death and still have so many questions. Do you think our master will see you as you please?”

Ye Mu smiled. “Which also means he isn’t here!”

Her face was becoming paler and paler. Dark blotches slowly stained her gray clothes from the blood, but her expression remained normal and she still spoke confidently.

“What a pity.”

“Pity what?” that person asked.

“A pity I can’t kill all of you!”

The moment he heard that, his expression changed, and then coldly smiled. “Is there any meaning to talk big? Everyone come up! Master has said, as long as she is alive, intact or not doesn’t matter!”

In that split second, Ye Mu also raised her head. Her eyes shone alarmingly!

“That’s right, intact or not I also don’t care!”

The second she said this, she suddenly fell down in place!

Those people in black coming to kill her did not expect her reaction. In the end, they came down from the walls. The moment their feet touched the ground, the courtyard resounded with a large boom!

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