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After Ye Mu returned, before she could say anything, Mo Linyuan told Ye Mu all the information he had received.

Ye Mu listened, nodding. "Then that makes sense."


Ye Mu said, "I just asked Lin Zhizhao, asked how he saw my fate. He finally said he has the eye of heaven."

After that, she retold Lin Zhizhao's words.

Mo Linyuan frowned. "But according to this information, even if he really has this kind of eyes, he didn't learn his true skills, or else people wouldn't have accused him of being a liar. This kind of person, do you really want to bring him with us?"

Ye Mu nodded, her smile a little mysterious. "Think about it, if he can really see the black qi on people's bodies, he may be able to see the purple qi from the east*. And the hidden treasure in the place with good feng shui will surely accumulate qi. Having someone who can see qi, what's there to be hesitant about?"

Mo Linyuan listened but still stood on his ground. "But, what if he can only see death qi?"

Ye Mu said with a smile, "Then on the way, bring a feng shui master as a backup. Nowadays, an arrow fitted to the bowstring has no choice but to set off*. Setting off early is always better than setting off late."

Mo Linyuan nodded. National affairs and such could be given to the prime minister to handle. These few years, the relationship between Mo Linyuan and the prime minister has become better and better. If the matter isn't like what the outsider said, Mo Linyuan can kill him solely by using imperial authority. If he wanted to leave right now, the prime minister staying would definitely be suitable.

And it didn't matter whether Lin Zhizhao's words were true or false, they also ought to set off. This treasure hunt had been delayed for so long. The longer the night, the more dreams there are*. It's better to fight a quick battle to settle a quick decision.

After three days of preparation, they could set off already. The entire troops were elites selected from Mo Linyuan's personal army. Although there were only five hundred people, every one of them was skillfully matched against ten.

The troops had continuously advanced toward the southwest, but it was interesting to say, the southwest had lofty ridges and towering mountains. It happened that it was where the three countries Zhao Country, Mo Country and Yue Country met. So after Mo Linyuan and Ye Mu discussed, to keep low-profile during the journey, all of them changed into plain and simple clothes, pretending to be ordinary merchants going to the southwest mountains.

The mountains here were extremely dense, villages were rare. There were places with primary forest, without trace of a human. Ye Mu and Mo Linyuan's party walked the long, arduous journey for ten days, and finally arrived inside the mountains.

Throughout the way, Lin Zhizhao and another feng shui master, heading toward the mountains, showed about the same direction.

So Mo Linyuan and the others went even deeper into the hinterland, but after they walked for three days, they suddenly discovered themselves that they got lost, because it was the same place, they walked here before already!

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