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As soon as Ye Li had disappeared out of sight, Mo Linyuan finally shook from his own stupor daze. Hurriedly, he rushed towards Ye Mu’s side, just in time to catch her as all strength left her body. She fell to her knees and sat dejectedly, cold sweat now visible on her own forehead.

“How could you be so reckless!” Mo Linyuan hissed worriedly for her. His tongue was intact, because the lump of flesh that he had spit from his very mouth…

Was from Ye Mu herself…

It was clear that Ye Mu was in great pain. God knows she tried so hard to make sure she didn’t show any outer pain of what she had done, just as long as they wouldn’t find out. Finally, she threw away the lump of flesh bloodying her hands and leaned against Mo Linyuan’s arms. Her lips turned pale, as Mo Linyuan carefully tugged at her sleeves to see how the blood stained her arms…

But Ye Mu would not dare look at him and turned her head to the side, frowning in a stubborn manner. “I told you, I’d take care of you.” she mumbled softly.

When Ye Mu had been talking to Mo Linyuan, with her back turned to Ye Li, she chose that opportunity to cut off a piece of her flesh from her arm without hesitation. And when she placed the cut on Mo Linyuan’s lips, she stuffed her own flesh into his mouth, which caused him to immediately spit it out, creating the perfect illusion of his own tongue being cut off.

So even when her own hands bathed in blood, it could have been easily be excused with her cutting out Mo Linyuan’s own tongue.

Mo Linyuan clenched his fists, however he remained by Ye Mu’s side, not daring to move. He cradled her in his arms, careful not to hurt her any further than she already was.

“How could you have been so reckless?” he whispered now in a dazed manner, “So reckless… reckless… reckless…” he kept repeating. He had been ready to offer her his own tongue, so he didn’t know why she would think to hurt herself for him. She had even cried in his arms when she bruised herself from before. And now cutting her own flesh—this was an entirely new level for someone like him.

How could she hurt herself like this?

At seeing his suffering state, Ye Mu felt compelled to ease his mind. She knew he was feeling the guilt. As if he was the one that cut off her flesh.

“Don’t worry.” She said, “Wounds heal. The skin will mend itself, but if a tongue would be cut out…” she trailed off, shuddering at the thought if she did as her father wanted, “If your tongue had been cut off… it wouldn’t grow back.” She told him. “So hush now. You still need to send me back quickly before father notices.”

Nodding in agreement, Mo Linyuan carefully lifted her body up and sprinted towards her small courtyard, to where she was living in.

But despite his current chore, his mind wouldn’t ease up in replaying the events over and over and over in his head. When she shook in pain, when she forced a smile – even when she held her own flesh and blood for Ye Li to check…

Such recklessness he couldn’t even fathom it completely. What had possessed her to do such dangerous thing?!

As he ran, hot tears fell onto Ye Mu, but she hadn’t noticed it. She felt so tired… so in pain, she hadn’t registered the tears he had shed for her own sake. All she knew was she was finding it difficult to stay awake. She could feel her own body grow heavy, even when she wasn’t using it…

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