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The Silent Master’s body was tense as he said, “If you don’t stop cornering us, then I will really have to use force.”

He wouldn’t have used force if he was the only one beaten. After all, he was a monk and monks cannot hurt other people. But Ye Mu was standing behind him right now. Since Ye Mu can’t use her strength right now, she will be powerless in front of their attackers if he didn’t protect her.

Ye Mu tugged at the Silent Master’s sleeve and said, “Brother, you must protect me.”

The Silent Master nodded his head solemnly and looked at the two approaching thugs seriously. “Don’t come any closer!”

The two thugs looked at each other with a smile, thinking that the pretty boy really liked to play the hero. Then, in the next second, the thugs made their move!

As a result, only a blood-curdling scream could be heard. Zhou Xu glanced over, fearing that they would hurt the person he liked. But what he saw, surprised him greatly because the person who fell on the ground was one of his thugs!

“How did this happen?”

Amitabha. The Silent Master asked for forgiveness for his sin. He didn’t intend on hurting anyone, instead, he merely did it in self-defense. He hoped that the Buddha would not blame him for his actions.

Ye Mu secretly laughed, “I would’ve never guessed that you’re this skilled.”

The Silent Master did not reply. He started practicing Buddhism when he was young. Although he only practiced the gentlest of all martial arts, his martial arts skill was not lacking at all.

He felt that this situation was quite strange. No one had ever picked a fight with him in the past when he descended the mountain alone. Most people did was point at him and gossip behind his back. He didn’t know what was going on today. Was it because he wasn’t wearing his Kasaya and had a cloth covering his head?

“What are you two doing? Zhou Xu stood up in anger and scolded his thugs, “You can’t even catch a pretty boy! Do you think I feed you guys for nothing?”

The shopkeeper and the waiter had long run away. Only the two of them remained on the second floor of the restaurant, so Zhou Xu was not afraid that other people would see his ruthless side. He rolled up his sleeves and walked forward. He looked at the Silent Master with a dangerous gaze.

“I would’ve never imagined that you’re a martial arts practitioner too. Unfortunately for you, you will meet your match today!”

The way he stared at the Silent Master made his scalp feel numb. “Why are you bothering us? What is your purpose?!”

“Huh? I state my intentions clearly earlier, but it seems like you’re the stupid type.” He took a dangerous step forward and said, “I want you to submit to me in bed. Now that I put it so bluntly, do you understand?”

It took a while for the Silent Master to fully process what he had just heard. When he finally understood the meaning of what Zhou Xu had said, the Silent Master’s cheeks flushed red instantly and his eyes became mesmerizingly innocent. He clenched his hands into fists.

“You are shameless!”

“You call this shameless? There are even more shameless things in this world!”

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