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He knelt down on one knee as he thanked her reverently. Ye Mu, on the other hand, found herself relieved that he finally admitted to her his true identity. This only meant that he had trusted her just enough to reveal such a piece of important information.

His gratitude also meant she was one step closer to the city boundary map.

“I don’t need a mountain of gold and silver.” Ye Mu smiled, but then said, “But I see you are sincere,” she mischievously told him, “Tell you what, in the future, if you manage to own something that is of no use for you, you can give me that instead.”

Smiling at her, Mo Linyuan nodded in earnest. “But what thing do you specifically have in mind? Perhaps I can offer some of my services for you to find it more quickly.” He told her.

He may have fled the country of Mo, but he still had some people who he could trust. Originally, he had planned to flee and return as soon as he got out of the Ye family, but now…

He wasn’t in such a hurry to leave.

Relaxing, Ye Mu leaned back and waved her hand in a casual manner, “It’s not important now.” She told him, “Only when you stumble upon it, if you do, I shall ask for it, until then… Promise me you won’t give it away to anyone else, ah!”

Nodding in agreement, Mo Linyuan bowed, “Whatever it is you shall ask, I’ll give it to you.” he promised. After all, he already owed her two lives.

“Then it’s settled!” she beamed at him, before squinting her eyes as she looked outside. “The dawn is beginning, hurry, you must get home. But,” she grabbed his hand urgently, “Remember your role. You are dumb now, a mute. You do understand?”

Mo Linyuan hesitated for a bit. He didn’t want to leave her like this, but he knew he had to leave. Her servant girl would arrive any minute now, and the implications of them both in one room could be disastrous whether or not it was true.

Seeing her feeling refreshed and well-rested after last night’s sleep, he felt a little better. Not so worried as he had been before.

“Of course.” He answered her, “Have a good rest then…”

“Yes, of course!” she said, urging him to make haste in leaving, “Don’t worry about me at all.”

After Mo Linyuan had gone out, the sun had already risen up as well, its light spilling from the horizon and towards the earth. Mo Linyuan found himself untired despite having not slept a wink at all.

Looking back at the closed door, he reached into his pocket and pulled out a small square object, whose color was of marble jade. Inscribed on it were four huge characters which stated…

The Eternal Ye Dynasty

It was the Emperor’s jade seal.

**T/N: For those who are curious, the emperor’s jade seal looks like the image below:

Mo Linyuan had noticed it the moment Ye Mu lit up the wooden lighter. Amidst the mountains of gold and silver, he saw something which oddly resembled a dragon robe. And when he saw the seal, he took it without another word.

Giving this to the Emperor of Yue would mean the Ye family’s certain death. And though he didn’t like most of the Ye family…

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