Chapter 16

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In slumber's embrace, worlds take form,

Dreams become pathways, a tempestuous storm.

Through realms unseen, the mind takes flight,

Exploring dimensions veiled in mystic light.

Within the night's veil, wonders arise,

Where reality fades, imagination lies.

Dreams become bridges to distant domains,

Where destinies dance and chaos reigns.

Yet, beware the fragility of the dreaming mind,

For deep within, a darkness we may find.

In the depths of reverie, sanity may fray,

As whispers of madness lead astray.

Dreams, a double-edged sword they wield,

Unveiling splendor and secrets concealed.

They beckon with allure, enchanting allure,

But tread with caution, for madness lurks obscure.

For dreams, the gateways to worlds unknown,

Can lead to brilliance or madness alone.

Since the day that we returned from Oldtown, Rhaegar had been acting strangely.

He receded into his shell a little, spending most days in the library muttering nonsense that no one understood. He was jumpy, walking the halls of the Red Keep with a sword in hand and his eyes wild with fear. It was as if the man was afraid that his life was in jeopardy, with enemies in the shadows everywhere he went.

Elia said that Rhaegar did not sleep at night and that if he did he would wake up screaming. The man had then moved out of their shared room and taken to living alone in one of the guest chambers. He would not talk about why he woke screaming, about what he saw in his dreams, no matter how much Elia pushed him to.

Rhaegar had all but stopped going to council meetings, his duties needing to be taken care of by Lord Tywin Lannister. It had gotten to such a point that the King had been forced to find a replacement for his son, calling on the experienced Lord Arryn to handle the finances of the realm. Jon Arryn was an experienced and respected nobleman, and as a seasoned politician, he had a firm grasp on matters of finance. He was a good choice, and all in the council agreed.

Everyone was worried about the Prince, but no one worried as much as the King did. The man had seen this before, the guardedness, the unease in a person. For him, it was like staring into a past version of himself, and it scared him. He did what he thought was best, coming to me to check in on Rhaegar.

I did as my King ordered, but found no signs of foul play. The King was not happy with my assessment and urged me to look deeper. I did as asked and returned empty-handed. The best explanation that I could give the King was that Rhaegar must have had a Dragondream.

Dragon dreams were prophetic dreams or visions experienced by certain individuals who have a connection to dragons or Targaryen blood. These dreams are often vivid, powerful, and filled with symbolism.

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