Chapter 14

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Change, a whispering wind in the night,

Transforming what was into a new light.

It dances through life, both gentle and bold,

Unfolding stories yet untold.

Like a river's embrace with the shore,

Change molds our souls, forevermore.

It paints the canvas of time's endless scroll,

Breathing life into every weary soul.

With each sunrise, change blooms in grace,

A symphony of growth, an eternal embrace.

Embrace it with open arms, let fears be set free,

For change unveils the beauty of what could be.

The words are a poetic description of what change is. They portray change as a subtle and powerful force that permeates our lives, bringing transformation and new possibilities. The imagery used compares change to a whispering wind, a river's embrace, and a canvas being painted. It highlights how change shapes our experiences, allowing growth and the unveiling of hidden beauty. The overall message encourages embracing change and letting go of fears, as it holds the potential for positive and transformative outcomes.

In the time that I have been here in the capital, things had changed in ways I least expected them to. I had found an ally in the Spider, I found enemies amongst people I care to know little about. I was the voice of reason for the King, and I was the husband-to-be of a maiden from another land.

The events that we replaying now were no longer the same as what my memories held. Like how the events between the King and his council played.

King Aerys II Targaryen removed his council members from their seats once he had received enough solid evidence to do so. The man was cunning and clever when he needed to be, he knew he would need good reasons to remove the men he elected other than my word. Varys came in handy in that department.

The Master of Spies was able to find enough evidence to not only incriminate the men, he had found enough to destroy their reputations. The contents of this evidence consisted of stealing, bribery, adultery, and plain disloyalty to the Crown and the Land.

The King was furious and wanted them all burned for their crimes. But Rhaegar and I had both been able to sway him from that decision, which was a positive thing. The old Aerys would have not listened to us, he might have even burnt us with them.

Lords Qarlton, Symond and Lucerys were all banished to the Night's Watch, their immediate families stripped of the right to their lands. Though the houses were not removed from ruling their lands.

Lord Qarlton Chelsted's had no wife and no children trueborn or otherwise. The rule of his holdings was passed to his sister, Lady Qarla Chelsted.

Lord Symond Staunton's son and wife were removed from the line of rule over Rook's Rest, instead, the rule passed to Lord Symond's brother, Ser Silas Staunton. Ser Silas was the Lord Commander of the City Watch while his brother was the Master of Laws. Things between them were testy at best.

Lord Lucerys Velaryon was like Qarlton Chelsted, with no son or daughter of his own. His wife had died of sickness and the man never remarried. He was replaced by his cousin, Aethan Velaryon.

Lord Owen Merryweather was only dismissed from his duties. He was a good man, just not good at what he was assigned to do.

There were four positions now opened, and the King already had people in mind for them.

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