“If you were even a little bit more ruthless, while attacking Wei Country, send someone to lobby Yuan Country’s monarch, let him know you want to attack Wei Country. He might even start before you, striving for more benefits.

“Wei Country will face the converged attacks of both countries, and there’s Mo Linyuan blocking. It won’t be able to wait for help from the allied forces of the other countries, so it’ll soon fall!

“When the time comes, not only will Yue Country expand its strength, Yuan Country will just fight with Wei Country. It definitely won’t move against this new neighbor in a short time. One day, even if Mo Country loses, you’ll be more confident in front of other countries than you are now!”

Hearing Ye Mu analyzing as such, Qi Yan felt even more interested!

He didn’t think this matter could be carried out like this, the feeling of toying with everyone while applauding, this kind of strategizing, gaining victory a thousand miles away, all made him impressed!

He suddenly had confidence! As long as he handled things as such, it would definitely go according to Ye Mu’s plan!

Wei Country wanted to breathe down their necks, and wanted to turn back and attack Yue Country after attacking Mo Country. And now he wanted to give it a taste of its own medicine!

“Regarding this matter, I need to discuss it with my confidants first!” Although Qi Yan didn’t directly respond, the light in his eyes clearly showed that he had been moved.

Yue Country had always been too inoffensive, maybe now he could only use the massacring of a country to make clear that Yue Country could not be easily bullied!

Ye Mu nodded. She smiled as she said, “I’ll wait for your good news.”

Although she looked calm, she was actually very nervous. Her time was extremely precious, every minute and every second.

Qi Yan clearly also understood Ye Mu was anxious right now, so on the same day at night, he called his confidants to discuss.

Wei’s special envoy thought Yue Country was still hesitant about lending its route, and was rather in disdain, but didn’t know they were actually discussing about fighting back.

Early morning the next day, Qi Yan told Ye Mu—he agreed to this plan!

However, the ministers all expressed a question, which was, did Ye Mu standing here mean she had found a way to break the  stalemate?

If she had, Yue Country was ruthlessly forced and didn’t mind allying with Mo Country, there was no way out!

Whether there was the hope of victory or not, this issue made Ye Mu smile.

Ye Mu said, “If I tell you that I’m probably sure that the other party will lose this time, do you believe me?”

Qi Yan looked at her. Unhesitatingly, he said, “Yes!”

Based on Ye Mu’s words to persuade him yesterday, he knew Ye Mu’s heart held the whole world’s territory. She looked at problems from a long-term point of view than most people did, and her words held odds of success. Even if the situation at hand was tense, Qi Yan still believed her words were true.

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