track 007: mamma mia

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❝ mamma mia, does it show again
my, my, just how much i've missed you?
yes, i've been brokenhearted
blue since the day we parted ❞

.•° ✿ °•.

FRANCESCA: We just kept going. Writing more and more songs, and performing them too. More and more, we were just clicking as a band, and it made the work ethic better too.

'Wasn't Born Yesterday' is probably still my favourite off that album. But I remember so many of those songs fondly. 'Tangled' was also a great one...

HANK: The only Rusted Rose song that we kept was 'Where I'm Going' — it's the only one I wrote by myself. I don't know, I've never seen myself as much of a songwriter, I usually left that more to the others. It was the better sound of it with Solstice that got it onto the album, I guess.

VICTORIA: We started doing some gigs with our original songs. There were small audiences at first, and over a few months, they just got bigger and bigger.

CARLO: They were still concentrated into a small part of L.A. but they were a loyal crowd — and in front of them, we could fine-tune our music and figure out what we were doing... it was exciting times!

FRANCESCA: One day, after many, many months, Teddy finally gave us the green light to record the album. It was the February of '71 when we got it. And... I cannot tell you what a feeling that was. I could've hit the roof with how thrilled I was. It felt like– like everything we'd been working for, everything that I'd given up or changed course for, had paid off.

.•° ✿ °•.

It is her dad who answers the phone.

     "Hello?" he says. Instantly, Francesca recognises the warm tones of Giovanni Vestri's voice — he speaks as though he has been laughing, like his smile is audible and every word through a sigh of delight. He's in a good mood, she thinks. Hopefully it will be even better after the thrilling news she is ecstatic to tell him about.

     "Dad? It's Francesca..."

     "Piccolina! I thought you were calling at the weekend, no?"

     "Change of plan. I've actually got some news—"

     "Who is it, Gio?" inquires her mother in the background.

     "It's Francesca!" Giovanni calls back, then returning his attention to his daughter. "Your mother is busy cooking lasagna for tonight. We're having big party, to celebrate the baby. The whole neighbourhood is coming!"

     "Wow, that's great," Francesca tries to sound enthusiastic, but wishing she could say her piece. She remembers the scrap of news she heard about in a recent letter — Bruno's wife is expecting another baby. Francesca became an aunt when she was just nineteen, and the two nephews already running around are a handful. She expects the third Vestri baby will be no different.

     Just then, Hank comes bouncing into the room, the grin he's been wearing all afternoon still plastered across his face. "Who you talkin' to?" he asks like a giddy schoolboy. "Is it your parents? Did you tell them?"

     "Shhhh... no, not yet—"

     "Tell us what? Who's that?" her father decides to tune back in again.

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