track 008: stuck in the middle with you

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❝ yes i'm stuck in the middle with you
and i'm wondering what it is i should do
it's so hard to keep this smile from my face
losing control, yeah i'm all over the place ❞
stealers wheel

.•° ✿ °•.

FRANCESCA: So... we were neighbours. Turns out, they'd also rented a place in Laurel Canyon, about a block away from our house. Actually, it's a miracle we didn't bump into each other sooner. Given the choice, I mean... I might've just avoided him. But the thing is, the rest of the band were also my friends, and of course Cami... I'd missed them all.


FRANCESCA: Well, yeah, but... [Sighs] Not like that.

GRAHAM: Was it awkward? I mean... yeah, a little, I have to admit. I don't think anyone likes to plan living a block away from their ex-girlfriend. Not– not that there were any hard feelings, or anything, but– I mean... it was just that...

[He pauses, scratching his head]

Well, it was complicated.

FRANCESCA: It was difficult to be around most of them in the beginning, because they practically go around like a pack. The only person from Pittsburgh I could get alone, you know, to talk it through with... that was Camila. Saving the day, as usual.

.•° ✿ °•.

     "Can I get you any drinks?"

A waitress stands idly by their table, watching as Camila sets down the menu with a pretty smile. "Could I have the iced tea? No sugar, three lemon slices."

"And I'll just have an espresso... thanks," Francesca adds.

With that, the waitress sweeps away. The pair of them are sat opposite one another in a small café-diner in Malibu on the PCH — when Francesca had asked for somewhere to go a little outside Los Angeles, Doug had recommended this spot to them, having grown up in the area himself. The beaches are certainly incentive enough to come here, as they glisten through the windows on the glorious Southern Californian coast. But the truth is that she just needed some time alone with Camila... preferably to discuss a certain elephant in the room.

Apart from the obvious person, she might be the only one who could understand her situation.

"Thanks for meeting me here today," Francesca says again, with a tinge of restlessness. She keeps feeling paranoid that, any second now, someone from Solstice or the Dunne Brothers might stroll into the dinner. God forbid that it would be Graham.

Mid-way through rummaging in her handbag, Camila dismisses her friend's concern with a wave of her hand. "Of course! Even I get sick of the guys sometimes. This spot is really gorgeous, isn't it?"

"Yeah, it is."

"Maybe I should take Billy here. I'm not sure he knows about it. We're early risers, so we go out and have breakfast sometimes."

"You guys are still going really strong, then," Francesca smiles.

"Yeah," Camila grins back, "we are."

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