4|A Surprising Encounter

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The days that followed were filled with a strange mix of excitement and secrecy for Y/N. She couldn't help but replay her encounter with Sirius in her mind, the bond they had formed in such a short time. However, she knew it was best to keep her time-traveling adventure to herself for now.

One evening, after dinner, Y/N found herself in the library, seeking solace and a chance to catch up on her studies. She settled into a quiet corner, surrounded by towering bookshelves and the comforting scent of old parchment.

Lost in thought, Y/N was startled when a familiar voice called out from behind her. "Fancy meeting you here, Y/N."

She turned around in surprise to see Sirius Black leaning casually against a bookshelf, a mischievous smile playing on his lips. Her heart skipped a beat as she took in his familiar face and confident posture.

Y/N's heart raced with a mixture of excitement and apprehension as Sirius stood before her in the library. She couldn't believe that he had ventured into the future just to see her again. Her mind was filled with questions, but she couldn't shake the unease about revealing too much about the future.

Threads of Time: Y/N's Accidental Journey, Sirius's Curious VisitsWhere stories live. Discover now