Chapter Seventeen

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"Graham. Johnstone. My office, now," Dean said as he walked past our desks.

Anthony was supposed to move back to his old desk now the intern had left, but Dean asked if he could stay where he was permanently. I didn't know why, and part of me wanted to complain, but what good was that going to do? It'd only raise suspicions even more.

I nervously followed Anthony as we walked into Dean's glass office. It had the most beautiful view of the harbour and inspired me to make Partner one day so I could reap the benefits too.

Dean gestured for us to sit in the two chairs opposite his own. I sat down and flashed a worried look at Anthony.

Had someone snitched about what happened in Melbourne?

"Now, you're probably both wondering why you've been summoned to my office today—" he held up his hand "—and I apologise for the abruptness in my tone, I haven't had my morning coffee yet."

I smiled because I didn't know what else to do.

"Anthony, now that you've made manager, you must be eagerly waiting for engagements with your name on the front. That's why I thought I'd get in quick. We've been advised to do more internal trainings to encourage people to come into the office. I want you to run the first one." He pointed to me. "With Jemima, of course."

I looked at Anthony, who was still staring at Dean. He swallowed a hard gulp.

"The first session we want to run will be a critical thinking training. I'd like you and Jemima to come up with a case study that focuses on policies and frameworks that impact the industry. I then want a few questions that people can answer in groups. Let's say twenty-five slides in a PowerPoint. It'll run in a few months, and it should be designed to take three hours."

"Right," Anthony said.

"I understand you're probably waiting for those external engagements to come your way, but I believe this will be a great starting point—for both you and Jemima. I haven't seen you two work in a team before. It'll be a good change for the both of you."

I nodded as my mind immediately went back to our moment in Melbourne.

Anthony was going to be my manager for the duration of this project and probably many more to come. That meant our actions were not just limited because of Sarah...they were even more limited because of work.

"I figured I'd give you the task now so you can devote some time each week to work on it. I'll email you the rest of the details."

After a few more minutes of explaining our task, Dean ran off to a meeting. I remained seated in his office, and Anthony did too.

"Do you have much work on today?" he eventually asked.

I nodded. "I have a few things I'd like to get out this afternoon. Do you want to go over this at four?"

Anthony smiled. "Yes. I'll book a meeting room."

We walked back to our desks in silence. I figured Anthony was having the same thoughts as me.

By four, I had sent fifteen emails to clients and ticked off twenty tasks on my to-do list. I had another twenty to complete, but I had the rest of the week to finish them. I'd promised Anthony we'd get a start on this today, and I wasn't one to break my promises.

We walked into the meeting room he'd booked, and I immediately felt nervous about how small it was.

"Sorry," Anthony said like he'd read my mind once again. "This was the only room available at such short notice."

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