Anthony and I didn't address what had happened on this trip. Instead, I discovered that his grandfather was an Italian musician who had sold out shows in the sixties, and he discovered I could count to ten in five languages—it was clearly less exciting than his revelation, but it was nice, being in close proximity with him.

"Okay, do you want to hear a riddle?" I asked. We still had two hours to go, and our in-flight entertainment kept freezing.

Anthony grinned. "Sure."

Why does he always look at me like that?

"Okay. What gets wetter the more it dries?"

The corner of Anthony's mouth flew up, and I knew he was having some NSFW thoughts about my question.

"Grow up," I laughed.

Anthony rolled his eyes. "Fine. A towel."

My mouth fell open, but Anthony cut me off before I could say another word.

"You asked me one of the most common riddles, sunshine."

I scoffed. "Well sorry I'm no quizmaster."

"Okay, my turn," he said. "What can you hold in your right hand, but never in your left?"

I hadn't heard this one before, and it frustrated me because Anthony guessed mine so easily. I tried to think of all the possibilities. Could it have been a dominant hand issue? After a minute of serious contemplation, I surrendered.

"What?" I asked, my tone slightly annoyed at my lack of riddle knowledge.

"Your left hand," Anthony said.

I didn't get it first and had to replay the whole question in my head. My face must've given away when it finally clicked, as Anthony started laughing hysterically.

"You must use that hand a lot." I winked.

Anthony rolled his eyes. "Depends on what I'm thinking about." He adjusted in his seat. "By the way, your I'm focusing face is terrifying."

I giggled. "Imagine what my work computer sees every day then."

"Excuse me," a voice said. A tall flight attendant towered to the right of Anthony with a sympathetic face and two large ice creams in his hand.

"I'm really sorry, we can't figure out why this row is having technical issues. I'm afraid we won't be able to get your TVs working for the remainder of the flight."

If I was on my own, that would've annoyed me. But I was enjoying this moment with Anthony, and I figured the broken TVs were a blessing in disguise.

"We have complimentary ice creams for you both. And press the assistance button if you'd like any more." The man handed us the raspberry and white chocolate ice creams.

"I will take unlimited ice cream over some shitty aeroplane movies any day," I said as I peeled off the lid.

Anthony smiled as he did the same. "Me too."

I looked out of the window and could see the sunrise on the horizon. A sea of fluffy white clouds lay beneath us, blanketed by the red and orange tones in the distance.

When I turned back, Anthony was looking at me. The edges of my mouth curved up with immediate joy.

"Do you look at all of your colleagues like this?" I whispered.

Anthony let out a low laugh. "Only the one that matters."

Just the one.


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