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School had changed a lot. Always in their own world, only talking to others when needed. Their grades whereas they always had been, Dipper one of the best while Mabel was a solid C student. Occasionally she even got a B-, thanks to her brother helping her study.

Their classmates got used to their change in behaviour eventually. At first, they were confused. Mabel was really outgoing, always talking to everyone, there was no one she was not friends with. Now she only spent time with her brother. That had an effect that wasn't that funny, but the twins could live with it.

Dipper was nothing like his sister. He always had been alone; his only friend has always been his twin. Some thought this was sad, some would even call it weird. It didn't bother him, he liked how things were, that his only friend would never leave him behind. He also liked being alone in some corner of the school, occupying himself with whatever was on his mind.

That behaviour made him something of a, as other kids called him, nerd, the perfect victim of the bullies. It was such a cliché that it was close to amusing. Stupid words being called after him wherever he went, whispers making fun of him could be heard during classes. It was something he had known since kindergarten; it was nothing strange to him.

But as soon as that treatment also affected his sister, he could not just watch. More than once did their parents have to come and pick them up from school because the twins had been involved in a fight.

In Piedmont they were the happiest when they could be alone together. Nothing felt right anymore. It was as if they had lost something. Dipper's thoughts concentrated on all the mysteries of that town. Mabel's on all the people they have left behind. Candy, Grenda, Wendy, Soos, their grunkles Stan and Ford, she even missed Pacifica and Gideon. They had lost their second family.

When either of them thought about it for too long their throats would close up and their eyes would burn with unshed tears. There would be a feeling, deep inside of them that neither of them could describe.

Every time one of them felt that way, they knew, they had to go back. They had to ask their parents, convince them of letting them go away a second time. After how this year went it was obvious that this would not be an easy task.

They spend weeks, months, preparing to find the best possible way to approach this topic. They thought about referring to how great Gravity Falls was, once in a while, getting the adults to understand that the small town in Oregon was a safe place. Nothing to keep your children away from. Nothing that would put someone in danger.

Another idea was to make a whole presentation, explaining with facts, that there was nothing they had to worry about. That plan had been thrown out the window the second they realized how easy for their parents it would be to find any news article about the strange happenings in the small town. Also, Mabel mentioned that it was A poophead idea.

"We want to visit grunkle Stan again this Summer break." It was their best bet to just say what they wanted. After a full week of acting the best possible way, complying to anything their parents wanted them to do, Dipper helping Mabel learn for a test she got B in, cleaning the house, preparing every meal It had to work. The twins were smart enough to make sure their parents were in a good mood when they approached them.

"Where does this come from so suddenly?" Asked their mother. The Husband and Wife sat on the sofa, his arm thrown over the back, both their feet comfortably on the little brown coffee table, in front of the TV. One of their favourite show was on. It was some kind of sitcom; the twins never watched it.

"There is nothing to do here during the summer. And we would like to visit everyone."

"I don't know." Her face had changed from a relaxed smile into a thoughtful frown.

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