The Winter Solstice

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"Now my omegas, let me do your moon markings. Jimin, remember, you must be under the moon at her peak, it's when she will bless you with her gift." Their mother spoke to the three of them.

Taehyung pouted softly, "Mother, why can I not go ahead and do the ritual? I reach the age in just 9 days. Will I really have to wait an entire year?!"

The woman sighed softly, "I'm sorry my love. If you do it before your 20th year, you risk the chance of the blessing not taking and the Moon rejecting you. Then you will be without our family's only gift."

Jungkook rolled his eyes, "It's not like it's a good gift to receive. It might as well not even be a gift. I mean, what is the benefit really? Everyone in the pack looks down at us for it and we have to miss the end of the festival for it."

Their mother looked up from Jimin's back and reprimanded the boy sharply, "You will not talk about our gift that way, young man!" Her tone made the young omega hang his head in submission, "Our gift is the only one like it in any pack there is. Its power may not be as obvious as strength or as what some people consider useful nowadays like smell, but it is an indescribable feeling when she blesses you with her markings. You will never feel alone as long as the moon is in the sky. You will never feel lost or hopeless. Even if great tragedy were to strike you, you will find comfort in her glow."

Jimin looked back at his mother while she painted the phases of the moon on his skin with the ritual ink, "It's ok Mother, Jungkookie is still young. He just doesn't understand. Poor thing hasn't even presented yet. He'll learn."

The woman smiled at her eldest, "I know my dear. Are you excited?" She suddenly remembered , "Oh wait! What will you be asking the Moon for tonight at the festival? With the ritual right after it may just come true!"

Jimin felt flutters in his stomach at the question, "I- I think I'm going to ask for a mate. A proper one. One that will mark me as theirs."

The older woman smiled, the lines at the edges of her eyes becoming more prevalent with each passing day, "Oh, I remember when I was your age. I didn't ask for a mate, but I asked to be a mother. Within the year the Moon brought me your father and months later you." She recalled the story before looking at her middle child, "And then she brought me you, just months later! I was blessed by her shine. And I hope the same will happen for you all tonight. The Winter Solstice festival is a magical time."

Jimin sighed, "I just wish we had time after the Solstice festival. Being forced into the omega's nest for hibernation won't be helping me find a mate any time soon."

His mother nodded, "Yes, it is a shame. Especially since you won't get to experience the winter months with your gift. It's much stronger during this time of year, but the Pack Alphas have been right. I remember when I was a little girl, omegas were found dead every day. Now we are safer and it's easier to keep the whole pack fed." She smiled, "This Pack Alpha has just been wonderful too! We haven't had an omega die of an attack or starvation during the winter in five years!"

Jungkook frowned , "I don't care!" He groaned, "I can't stand hibernation. I want to be out in the forest, breathing fresh air, feeling the sun and moon on my skin!"

The woman laughed quietly, "That's your father in you. But don't let the Pack Alpha hear you speak like that; he wouldn't like it." She was quiet for a moment before looking back at her son, "How has your father been recently?"

Jungkook shrugged, "Not sure. We haven't seen each other much. He doesn't have time for the children that aren't useful to him."

His mother couldn't stop the snarl that made its way to her lips, "Bad alpha. What kind of alpha doesn't spend time with his pups! All of them! Not just the alpha ones!"

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