Do You?

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One pleasant spring evening, the captain of the private high school soccer team named Angel, had started walking home after the team lost their first game of the season. Angel was happy that the soccer field was only a couple of blocks away from home. Since her parents didn't show up to another game, she was used to walking home alone. On her pleasant walk home that evening, she felt as if someone had been following her since she left the field; she even thought she heard footsteps approaching her from behind. Feeling slightly paranoid and hoping her imagination was getting the best of her, she turned around. Much to her surprise, there was not one person in sight. The fact that she heard footsteps but did not see anyone put her on edge. Now, on high alert, Angel continued walking home at a faster speed than normal. When the sound of footsteps came again, she quickly turned around. Fear came over her when she thought of who might be behind her. Angel knew that most people at school didn't like her. After something she said to another student trying out for soccer, things hadn't been the same. Her own parents didn't trust or believe anything she had to say.
To Angel´s surprise, she saw a tall, skinny, white man with dark hair in the distance. Something didn't seem right with the man. The closer he got, the more it felt like something was wrong. When she turned around again, she noticed that he was almost close enough to touch her. That is when she started walking faster until panic came over her, and she started to run. When she finally managed to turn around, the man was gone, and not a single person was in sight again.

    Relief slowly came over her when she noticed she was almost home. When she was trying to catch her breath, she was grabbed from the side and pulled into the dark alleyway two houses away from her house. She tried to scream, but the man stuffed something into her mouth to keep her quiet. Afraid of what was about to happen, she froze. The first thought that came into her head was how to get away. The next thought was, what if he kills me? Before she even realized it, she was trying to push him off her with all of her strength, and when that didn't work, she tried to grab anything that could help her overpower him. Unfortunately, her strength was nothing compared to his. He pinned her down to the ground with her face in the dirt and had his way with her. All she could do was lay on the cold concrete and cry. After what seemed like an eternity, he was done. He pulled his pants up and spit on her before going on his way as if nothing had happened. Angel never got the chance to look at his face because it was covered with a mask. The man never spoke a word, so she didn't know what his voice sounded like; she had no clue who the man could've been.

    Angel quickly pulled her shorts up and ran home as fast as her feet could take her.
When she arrived home she rushed to tell her parents what had happened, but her parents looked at her with disgust in their eyes. With a stern tone, her parents told her, "We know that you missed the winning goal for your team today. We are not sure where we went wrong as parents that you think lies like this are okay. Go wash up, do your homework, and study for your test tomorrow. We all know you can't afford another class failure. The private school will kick you out. Your father and I pay way too much money for you to be in a school just to get kicked out because you keep failing. Your lies are getting out of control, and we will not stand for it anymore! When you're done studying, go to bed."

   With tears running down her face, she ran up into the bathroom to take a hot shower. She was hoping the hot water would wash the feeling of him off her. When she got out of the shower, she closed the bedroom door, climbed into bed, and cried herself to sleep. Awoken by a loud noise outside the window and too terrified to move, she curled up into her blanket, closed her eyes, and acted like she didn't hear anything. When it was quiet again, she opened her eyes to discover a shadow standing in the middle of her room. She screamed, but nothing came out. The shadow moved closer, and she scrambled to the corner of the room, too scared to do anything else. She then said, "Do what you want with me. No one will miss me." I don't want to be in this cruel world anymore. Please just get it over with." Then he said,  "You're a horrible mean person, a liar, and you've destroyed people's lives just so you could have your fun. One of the people's lives that you destroyed was my little sister's. You made fun of her every day for one year until she killed herself. She did it just as you instructed her to do. The thing is, you were wrong when you told her she wouldn't be missed. People loved her, and she was missed every day. Way more than you will ever be!" Then she said,"What are you talking about, you crazy nut case?" Wait, I know your voice. Where have I heard it before? Why won't you just get this over with? Are you scared?" He then said,"I'm not scared, I'm planning on enjoying making you pay for what you did to my sister! No one will miss you or even notice you're gone. Not even your parents."
The next morning, when her parents walked into her room to wake her up for school, they found her body lying in the middle of the floor with her neck cut open written on the wall in blood. They saw a note asking, "Do you believe her now?¨ Her parents immediately called the police and started a huge search for the murderer. The police found evidence that the murderer had been stalking her for weeks, waiting for the right opportunity to take his revenge. They never found the murderer and the case remains unsolved to this day.

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