He groaned not wanting to admit she was right. Ginny glared at Ella and tripped her on her way over to Dizzy and Evie. "Ginny!" Anthony chastised. 

"No, it's fine I'm sure it was just an accident," Ella said, picking herself up and dusting off her knees.

Ginny laughed, "no it really wasn't."

Anothony glared at Mal, "fine." 

Ella bit her lip but didn't say anything; she just moved to help Anthony set up some of the supplies they would need for the smoke bombs. The boy looked at the blonde princess in interest. "I'm Anthony, Anastasia's son."

Anthony expected her to turn away, to sneer at him, to fake a smile, anything but what she actually did. "Oh, you're Chad's little cousin!"

He blinked, "You know my cousin?"

She nodded, "He's, our friend. Which reminds me I owe him €20," she winced. Ginny growled as her best friend laughed. She was going to make this day miserable for her.

Ella could see a little sister in Dizzy, one they would all love to spoil rotten and a good friend in Anthony, "Princess Ella?" She snapped out of her thoughts and turned to Dizzy, "are there really closets you could walk in?

Ella laughed, "Yeah some are really big like the one in my room at my parents' palace I could live in there and Ben's. Oh, we locked him in there for two days and he was fine, he had his phone and a mini fridge," Dizzy looked amazed. "Sunshine, I'll get you a walk-in closet."

"Really?!" Dizzy asked, surprised.

"Yeah, it's no problem," She said then thought for a second, "We might have to wait till next year but when you come to Auradon--"

"Wait When I come?" she asked.

Ella tilted her head, "yeah. Wait, did you think we were stopping at Mal, Evie, Jay and Carlos?" She nodded, "no, the idea is to have the Vks' choose four more kids and then Me, Ryder, Jazzy and Aaron to choose another four at random. I assume Evie's gonna choose you." Evie had tears springing in her eyes, nodding quickly.

She paused, "Eek!" Dizzy turned to Mal and Evie, "did you know?"

Both girls shook their heads. And Idea came to Ella, "Till I can get you home, Me and Jazzy need some 'bad girl princess flare' for Cotillion tonight, have any ideas?"

"You want me to make something for princesses to wear."

"Definitely Sunshine," she smiled at the younger girl.

The whole time at curl up and dye Ginny made good on her personal promise. At every turn she made Ella's time just a little harder. She would trip her, burn her with a glue gun, hit her with a broom, 'accidentally' knock over a paint container staining her hands pink. But no matter what she did Ella just kept smiling or saying sorry for getting in her way.

"M, Glow, how amazing would this look with my shredded tee and my heart purse," Evie said Holding a headband over her head.

"Very amazing."


"Take it, take a bunch!" Dizzy said, putting a bunch of her stuff in Evie's bag.

"Aww Dizzy. Oh my gosh," she said the last part after seeing how much she was putting in, "thank you."

"It would make me so happy knowing that you were wearing something of mine in Auradon, almost like me being there myself."

Ella and Evie hugged her "I really wish I could take you with me," Evie said.

"Soon I promise, I won't bring her now cause school is almost over but soon I swear Dizzy I will bring you home and stop calling me princess we're friends You can call me Ella or even Glow."

There was a loud groan and Ginny stomped out of the salon. Ella went to follow her, but Mal stopped her, "Glow we gotta go," she looked out at Ginny with pleading eyes. "I can't let you walk back alone; Uma would love a full royal set."

"I'll take her back. I have a truce with Harriet. Uma may be the captain, but no one goes against Harriet," Mal bit her lip but after a few words from Evie allowed it.


Ella found Ginny right outside and sat down a few yards away from her, giving her space, "what do you want princess?" she sneered.

"To make sure you're okay." She lifted her pink hands, "I know this wasn't an accident, but I said sorry because something made you do it. Anger, petty revenge, envy. I'm not here to assume I know what you're feeling, but whatever the case is I know I represent everything you hate. Again whatever that is, the crown, Rapunzel, Eugene, Cassandra. I'm an easy emotional punching bag so I let you get all of it out on me."

Ginny Groaned again, "Stop that!" She yelled, getting a few strange looks. Anthony was leaning against the other side of the door ready to intervene if need be. "Stop being so nice! I want to hate you."

Ella stayed calm, "but why do you want to hate me specifically?" her voice was level, there was no stern undertone, just a calm question and pure intentions. "What exactly is the problem? Maybe I can help," She asked, pulling her knees into her chest.

"I'm not you, that's the problem!" she yelled. Tears started pouring down her cheeks. "I'm not Rapunzel and I'm not a little golden child who can make her young again by singing a song. She hates me because I'm not like you!" She sobs, sinking down to the ground once again, "I hate you because my mom wants a complete stranger more than me," she pulled her knees up covering her face.

Ella inches closer until she's right next to her making sure not to touch her without permission. "I'm so sorry, I had no idea what was happening on the isle, I wasn't allowed to. None of the other kingdoms knew except Auradon. They wanted to assume full control upon the kingdom's allegiance. Basically, we weren't allowed to help."

She let out a pitiful snort, "I can see why they wouldn't let you see it. Look at this place." She gestured to the mess that was around them.

After a silent moment Ella asked, "do you wanna come next?"

Ginny flinched, "What?"

"Do you wanna come in the next group? I haven't chosen my kid yet."

"I'd be your pick. You'd take me over?" Ella nodded with a smile. "Even after all I did?"

"You're mad I get it you have the right to be," She turned over with a glimmering smile that made it hard to hate her. 

Published: Nov 11, 2019

Updated/ Edited: May 18, 2023 

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