Sleeping Buddies 2 ♡

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They sat on the bed akwardly as Joseph sat their next to the blonde head already regretting his choices,
he asked seemingly depressed

"Is there a reason u can't sleep"
Asking innocently, so unaware that Caesar was on the edge of crying.

"no reason."

Joseph heard his roommate stutter and look at him shocked that he saw tears coming down the others cheek.

I fucked up.
He thought, although they didnt know eachother so well, Joseph still felt a heavy feeling in his heart, the guilt rushing in his blood. The brunette slowly placed the palm of his sweaty hands on Caesars shoulders and brought him into a hug.

"S she's gone."
Caesar muttered

"S she's gone f forever.!"

Caesar burst out crying onto JoJo's chest, letting all of the tears go onto Joseph's shirt, it was all so new to him he never confessed his true feelings, the feelings he held inside after his mother's passing.

"Who's gone?"
Jojo said as he calmingly stoked Caesars back, Not knowing what he was doing, he brought Caesar a bit closer then wanted so he was between the two of them Grabbing Caesars arms and bringing him up so he could see him, the tears in his eyes rolling down his face, snorting and sniffling.

Joseph never felt so much sadness in his eyes he was always the tough one, Always the sly and handsome one, bringing girls in just so he could get more money.

"My own mother."

"Oh fuck, that's why."
He mumbled to himself

"I don't know what I did wrong."
Caesar continued

"I brought all these medicanes and prescriptions and food and water and money, not only that but I brought her love aswell, Even if she wasn't in the best conditions she still passed. "

Caesar mumbled out, whiping his face with the bare palms of his hands soon stopping as Joseph Whiped his tears for him.

Caesar kept sobbing and fell onto Joseph's arms, hugging him tightly sobbing even more, reminding him of his mother's own body heat.

"papa was never there for us, it was o-only the me and my grandfather, I may seem rich but truly I came f-from a horrible p-poverty."

Saying this Caesar rolled next to Joseph on his own bed and stopped crying.

"But now I have no one."

"She was my only close family."

Caesar soon became quiet, unaware than Joseph also felt the same way, he understood his anguish and sorrows,and him to wanted to help, but the two knew Well they couldn't stop the past from happening.

JoJo held up Caesar's hand and layed him properly on the bed.

"I'm sorry but, I'll be back I just need to get something"

Jojo said as he rushed out the room in a panic


Caesar side and sat at the edge of the bed ready to go to work, thinking that all of this was just a waste of time and a strategy of making myself get fired.

'i knew it would be worthless to tell someone like him, he ran aw-"

Caesar's door flew open, banging against his pale cream wall.
He heard the sound of short breath Infront of him, breathing heavily, it was Joseph himself.

"I knew i Wouldn't take long, sorry I left in such a hurry but"

Joseph came to sit back next to The blonde and layed body cream and a snack layed along with 2 hot water bottles and hot chocolate now spread to the bed stand.

Caesar couldn't believe someone like his roommate would give attention to someone that isn't even that close with him, but yet here he is guilt spread across his face.

"I knew you would need these, I'm not amazing At comforting someone but I do give the most care to the ones around me, because I Joseph jo-"

"I get it I get it"
I snapped Grabbing a hold of the cup of hot chocolate and nudging my way to the center of my bed and lay.

"I knew u would"
He chuckled, Placing his Arm around my back and patting me gently and Comfortably, I looked at him as he enjoyed his hot chocolate and he was as annoying and idiotic as I expecting, but something told me that there was a good side to him and really, he's a precious guy.

"Your amazing"
I insisted and pleased to know I said it

The brunette turned his head to me and Gave me a confused look, a look that told me thank you and a mix of 'wow really?'

CaeJose (Caesar × Jojo)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora