something new 2 ♡

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Caesar breathed silently as if he were a bird in the wind, keeping calm of any sudden movements that would lung upon him

The training was the best thing he could do to defeat his friend's delighted enemy. Bring forth 3 known enemies.
Caesar breathed soothingly through the wind's stimulus, oh so he loved to be in such a quiet spot where no one could spot him, Not even a fly,
Or so he thought.




Caesar froze already aware that Jojo was about to hold back his meditation.

"oh, Jojo."
He muttered under his breath

"cannot you tell that I am currently in the middle of a mediation training for my hamon"
He affirmed, pissed off that his words did not mean anything to Joseph, The brown head chuckled.

"your too hard Caesar"
He uttered to himself, resting his palms on Caesar's shoulders and massaging his back shoulder bones.
Caesar moaned quietly to himself at the thought of his satisfaction and tension flowing away from his shoulders.

"ahh yes, just there Jojo, mm."
The blonde hair groaned as Joseph carried to massage his shoulders teasingly.

"Don't be so hard Caesar you're all tensed up, relax."
As Jojo said this he placed his mouth on Caesar's back neck and kissed it softly against his beloved baby hair, Caesar carried on to moan as Joseph sucked on his shoulders.

"Why don't you relax a bit, an hour off.."

Caesar interrupted
"Please Jojo go and train, Your life is on the line, are you not aware of the foolish decisions you have made, you dare deceive a goddess or perhaps I should declare the 3 as satan's minions."
Caesar continued

"It is for the best Jojo, We came here for a reason."
Joseph let go of Caesar's shoulders and laughed a bit.

"So worried about me, dear Caesar"
He soon walked off into the distance to train where he cannot be seen any longer.

'what was he thinking, those rings will surely kill him if he does not train."

The blonde head was deep in thought soon remembering the event reappearing inside his head from that night when he had a horrendous nightmare. The thought was clearer than his awareness of the outside world he didn't Realise Joseph was still sneaking and pondering Caesar's meditation.

Caesar was too distracted And too weary to train

'I can't do this anymore where is he.'

Caesar used his Hamon to walk through the shallow waters and to the dry surfaces of the earth, back to the ground. Caesar searched around and found Jojo running laps around the island.

Caesar decided to skip their meeting and waited for the evening for their daily big meal.

• later on •

During the late hours of the afternoon, Caesar and Joseph have their 3rd-course meal, grilled red meat with a side of salad.

Caesar wasn't a fan of the layout of his food so he did not eat much which wasn't like him, as long as he was okay with training the next day, nothing would happen.

The two don't have eye contact during dinner nor do they shed a word, it was awkward for the both of them but they understood their silence.

Caesar thought if he had done something wrong, Usually, Joseph would start picking up jokes and how his training went with Miss Lisa Lisa
But nothing along the lines of anything, just the loud irritating silence of the two chewing on their food, but suddenly Caesar felt a cold touch on his ankles, A cold moment pulling against Caesar's bottom trousers. he looked up at Joseph who gave him a horny look, biting his lips as he eats his food patiently.

Caesar smirked furiously, he couldn't concentrate on anything but JoJo. Once they were done eating Suzie Q walked off assuming they would head off to bed to rest for another hard work tomorrow.

But she was wrong.

(WARNING THE NEXT CHAPTER WILL ONLY BE SMUT!! skip the next part and go to part 4 if you are sensitive to sexual-related things!! Have fun reading ❤️)

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