With the Spider Droid destroyed, he put Wilt back into Blush

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With the Spider Droid destroyed, he put Wilt back into Blush.

Adam: "That's the end of that."

As he turns around to see Blake on the next train car. What he didn't expect to see is Blake decoupling the train cars they're in. Adam tries to run towards Blake as the train speed away with her, but the train car he's in begins to slow down. He then yells out.

Adam: "Blake! Why!? What about the cause!?"

Despite his yelling to her, Blake doesn't respond as she walks away. She silently wipes a speck of blood from her cheek, and begins to weep. As for Adam, he frowns before turning back inside the previous train car he and Blake were in. As the train cars stopped, the armed White Fang members and the Lieutenant quickly approach to his spot. 

White Fang Lieutenant: "Scout the perimeter!"

As instructed, the members begin to surround the train cars. The Lieutenant heads inside one of the train cars to find Adam sitting against the wall as the floor is littered with the bodies of the human guards.

White Fang Lieutenant: "Adam. What happened? Where's Blake?"

Adam explains that they manage to get a few dust crates, kill the guards, destroy the Spider Droid, and the fact that Blake basically left. A few members head inside the train car as one of them overhead Adam's explanation.

White Fang member #39: "Should we go after her?"

Adam gets up and looks at his fellow member.

Adam: "No, leave her. Once she learns more about the world, she'll know that we're in the right and she'll come back to us."

White Fang Lieutenant: "And if she doesn't?"

Adam pauses for a moment, looking at his weapon before speaking.

Adam: "Then, she's a deserter and a traitor to the cause."

Meanwhile, Blake is sitting on one of the flatbed cars of the train and unsheathed Gambol Shroud laying out before her with the ribbon piece billowing in the wind. She goes to pick up the bladed sheath and brings it down on part of Gambol's ribbon before she ties the ribbon on her cat ears, forming a bow around them and hiding her Faunus trait. 

(A Little Time Skip)

The bow-wearing Blake is now sitting in Ozpin's office. Ozpin walks past Blake as he goes to sit at his chair before speaking.

Ozpin: "So, why should I let you into my academy with no credentials, no past record of training in any school, and no referees?"

Blake's face looks uncomfortable as she responds to his question.

Blake: "I... I need a fresh start."

Ozpin gives his trademark all-knowing look as he leans back in his chair.

Ozpin: "Hmm... I'm sure you do."

His eyes look towards Blake's bow and noticing her bow wiggle a bit. He exhales before continuing.

Ozpin: "Very well. Since you have no transcripts from a registered huntsman feeder school and came from outside the kingdoms, you'll have to take an intensive exam. Is that fine with you?"

Blake thinks for a moment before nodding in agreement.

Ozpin: "Okay, then. What should I put you down on the system as?"

Blake: "Blake Bel-"

She catches herself from revealing her full name to the headmaster. Ozpin merely nods.

Ozpin: "Hemlock. Blake Hemlock."

He smiles as he begins typing on his scroll.

Ozpin: "A bit on the nose, but it will do."

He stands up and holds out his hand to shake.

Ozpin: "I'll see you at the initiation, Blake Hemlock."

Blake looks at the headmaster and then at his hand. She then shakes his hand before responding, smiling.

Blake: "Likewise." 

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