Stay Away! SnowBubble: (AU) (High School) (Humanized)

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Requested by kingof2763farts

Bubble POV

"OMG! You need to like, get cuter!"

Another day, another Match 'n Pencil bullying session...

I was sitting on the bench, feeling thin, sad, and lonely.

Ruby had gone home for the day, and Fanny had improv. (Weird, I know...)

Match and Pence-Pence were constantly telling me how to act, look like, or make-a-boy-like, but I honestly just wanted to get through FourX High without dying...

When they were done ranting about me, they started chatting about cute boys as I ran off.

"How about like, Firey?"

"Cute, but he's with Leafy..."


"Shut the actual heck up, Pence Pence.."

I was walking home when I saw the neighborhood jock, Snowball, who happened to go to my high.

"Hoi, Snoibowl!" I said, smiling. I had a crush on the jock ever since I went to a Gelatinz
 (the football team) game, I had developed one on the big dude.

Snowball raised an eyebrow, confused.

"What's wrong, bro? Somethin' happen at school?"

I sighed. "Just my daily PenceMatch bullying...."

Snowball groaned. "I can't stand those jerks. How 'bout I help you out?"

I looked up, happy. "Really?"

So the next day, I went to school with a gigachad by my side.

Let's just say I had a good time.

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