For A Prank...(Blocky X Taco)(Humanized) Part 2

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Blocky POV

Dance music blared at the FoursDance, while I sat down brainstorming new pranks. As I looked around, I saw a very flustered Woody dancing with a smooth-moves TD, Gelatin and Lollipop doing some kind of O-POP dance, while Firey and Leafy danced slowly, despite being a fast song. 

Then I saw Taco, standing by a wall putting her hands in the pocket of her hoodie, with a tuft of her green hair hanging below her eye. She noticed me looking at her and she looked down as if she was embarrassed. I couldn't help but wonder what she was flustered about.

"Could it be... ME?!" I blushed at the thought.

Taco POV

"God... I must look so stupid..."

I blushed so hard when I caught Blocky staring at me. He also blushed. I averted my eyes from him and grabbed some Onigiri from the snack table. As I chewed it, I didn't notice Blocky walking up to me.

"Hey, Taco."

"U-um, hi."

"W-wanna dance?"

My face felt hotter then the volcano from BFDI 23.


So I grabbed his hand and we walked onto the dance floor today.

As the song 'New Friendly' blared in the background, we danced and talked.

"So, um... whatcha doing these days?"

"J-just making my show.."

I sighed. "Oh, Blocky darling, open up. I know this isn't the real you."

Blocky seemed to open up, and he smiled.

"Oh, you know... It starts with, hey guys! For a prank..."

Like Flower said...

"Ahh... young love..."

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