Saving And Trouble

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Y/n and Billy we're pretty upset on what happend last night, Billy planned on skipping school while Y/n didn't bother going and spend his time wandering on the park.

Mary was worried on why Y/n didn't attend class today she have been hiding her real feelings for Y/n, as she didn't want to break their friendship.

Y/n on the other hand was doing the same thing, he had feelings for Mary but afraid to confess.

"Look! It's Black Knight!" A kid said earning Y/n's attention and gave the kid a wave.

While Y/n was walking around he saw a familar girl passing by the road and was about to get hit by a truck.

Y/n run towards Mary and saved her from getting hit, she then started to breath heavily from what just happend.

"O-oh my God-"

"Are you alright Mary?" Y/n asked inside his armor.

"H-how do you know my name?" Mary asked confused.

"Uh I'm a f-friend of Y/n yeah yeah I'm." Y/n said.

"Oh i-i thank you, i just need a second to think, it's has such been a wierd day." Mary said taking a breath.

"From what i see your holding a paper, are you upset because you didn't get in?" Y/n asked.

"No, i got in..." Mary said with a shaky voice.

"Oh well now I'm getting confused." Y/n said.

"Yeah. me, too." Mary said. "I don't know, i know i should be excited cause this is my dream and ive worked really, really hard for this."

"But, It's like... I don't know. Leaving my family does not feel fun, you know?" Mary added.

"Can i give you an advice?" Y/n said. " "A real family are always there for you, even if you had to leave them for your dreams Mary... You have to let go at some point and reconnect with them again... And your friend Y/n will be there for you."

"I see... Thanks... Well i don't know about Y/n it's just... i have feelings for him and the more we spend time together i can't let go of the hope that we would be together in college." Mary said making Y/n red inside the armor.

"W-well you don't know maybe he feels the same and his just shy to admit it." Y/n said trying not to stutter.


"Hey look don't worry about too much, just go with the flow, i have to go know."

Time skip...

Freddy was walking on the streets and saw Billy in his superhero form doing performances with his abilites, Freddy was upset that Billy didn't came for lunch to save him from the bullies.

Freddy walked towards Billy and kicked the speaker.

"Hello young man ah what do you need woah woah woah, i'm in the middle of a show how can i help you?." Billy said.

"I just wanted to say thank you for showing up to lunch today. Yeah i got a little something called, a uh, suitcase wedgie right?" Freddy said.

"I don't know if you ever heard of it, but it's when someone grabs your underwear like that and holds you like a suitcase, walks you down the hallway." Freddy then pulled something in his pocket. "And this is my underwear."

"Gross." Billy said.

"You said you'd come." Freddy said.

"You said I would come! I never said i was... I'm a superhero, dude!" Billy said flexing his muscle.

𝘚𝘩𝘢𝘻𝘢𝘮! 𝘈𝘯𝘥 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘉𝘭𝘢𝘤𝘬 𝘒𝘯𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵Where stories live. Discover now