The King Vs The Mad Dog

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Billy and Freddy were out of school early again like always, Mary and the siblings never really bothered it,Y/n and Mary decided to hang out on a cafe after school.

While Y/n was checking his locker before leaving, a group of girls walk towards him with a smirk making Y/n uncomfortable.

"Uh hey?" Y/n said with a awkward smile.

"So, Y/n got any plans? You can go out with us." One of girls said. 

"Sorry but i-" Y/n was then cut off by a hand grabbing him on the wrist.

Mary dragged Y/n out of the school jealous of the girls trying to get Y/n.

"You know jealousy doesn't suit you." Y/n teased with a snicker.

"Nope, I'm not." Mary said with a fake smile and denial in her voice.

"What ever floats your boat, anyways still wanna hang out?" Y/n said pulling out his phone.

"If you wanna hang out, no phones N/n" Mary said taking Y/n's phone away.

"Oh, come one Ray i need to check on my-" Y/n tried taking his phone back but earned a glare from Mary.

"Now, wanna go to a cafe?" Mary asked.

"Come on pick better that that, ice cream?" Y/n said holding Mary's hand. "Let's go."

"Your ha- Nothing let's go." Mary said trying to hide her blush.

Theme: Close With Desires by Teo Glacier

Y/n and Mary decided to have ice cream and go to the park to hang out the rest of the day, Y/n wasn't feeling that good since he was still guilty of what happend with his best friend.

"You've been really quiet, spill N/n." Mary said looking at Y/n.

"Nothing really, just alot of works at school." Y/n said trying to hide his problems.

"You know, we go to the same school and there is no such thing." Mary said with a chuckle.

"Oh shut up, just personal problems." Y/n said laughing at his own stupidness.

"Tell me about it, you knoe you can." Mary said giving Y/n a pat on the back.

"I met my ex last night when i was walking home." Y/n said earning a frown look from Mary.

"What happend?" Mary asked.

"Saying sorry and stuff, It's really my fault, for breaking my friendship with someone because of a stupid romance." Y/n said.

"Can, you tell me why you know?" Mary said.

"I fall in loved with this girl on my old school, I didn't know she was dating my friend." Y/n said. "Until we dated and found out..."

"We didn't talk to each other until i left the school, I felt like a bad friend..." Y/n said looking down.

"Hey, It wasn't your fault alright?" Mary said. "He would understand you if he was a real friend."

"I guess."

Y/n and Arthur was best friend in his old school, Y/n had a really strong bond with him they were inseperable, he was the first one to accept Y/n as a friend and it was broken as Arthur found out that Gina had been cheating with Y/n.

Y/n never cleared it to Arthur as he thought i would be useless...


"Dr Sivana... I don't think this is..."

"Accept the sword Arthur... And you will bring your enemies to thier knees." Sivana said handing Arthur a double edge black sword with red markings on it...

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