Part two

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There was no answer, no one reacting to my knocking, and I released the breath I had held in for what felt like centuries.
If there had been an answer, I would have had a reason for my visit, obviously, I wasn't stupid. But this did make my job easier, by a lot.
There was no one in the hall behind me, no wonder on this time of day, and I pushed against the doors. They opened, quieter than I had expected. The hinges holding the door being well oiled.
I didn't bother opening the door any further than was necessary for me to slip trough the gap, nor did I bother closing it.
It was mid-day, everyone was either getting lunch or assisting the Lord with his. The chance that anyone would see me was almost nonexistent.
I took the few steps to the desk, my hand sliding into my pocket to gently grab the thick parchment I had been sent with.
The letter was gently placed on the desk. Right in sight of the door, not to be missed. I smiled, grabbing an apple from the big bowl in front of me and taking a bite. Juices dripped down my chin and onto the rest of the papers on the desk. Probably important, but insignificant besides the delivered letter.
I turned on my heel and slithered back from where I came from. Through the ornamented doors and into the hallway.
Doubt was still lingering in my chest, my fingers were sticky with fruit, but my task was completed.
The half eaten apple rolled on the floor of Lord Henry's study. It didn't taste that good after all.

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