Chapter 1

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Ziek hastily paced the clouds of heaven while waiting for his visitor. Sunlight glinted throughout the pureness of the windows of nearby buildings. Angels moved around with barely a sound, not as perfect as they were made out to be in stories, but beautiful all the same. You didn't insult an angel; that was the number one rule of taking a trip to heaven. Insulting an angel would easily be the last thing you ever did, other than drawing your final breath of course.

However Ziek was respected among angels as their king. He had saved their world from the darkness and so they were grateful and probably would even let him get away with insulting them. Ziek of course, wasn't the insulting type, so the angels had nothing to worry about.

Suddenly there was a rumble of thunder, and then the centre of the teleporter used for visitors was engulfed within black smoke. Angels glared at it and walked quickly away. A few seconds passed and then Darkheart, in his human form, strode out of the smoke and made his way over to Ziek.

The angels of course, weren't fond of the dragon king and kept their distance. If Darkheart ever came to heaven without invitation, Ziek would be the one to deal with the lord of dragons. Darkheart hated the light however, and saw no reason to visit heaven unless specifically invited to. There was no reason to wage another war upon the side of the light, and to decline an invitation could do so. So no matter how much he despised it, Darkheart came when Ziek called...and vice versa.

Now the thing about the dragon king was that he absolutely radiated power. Whether he was in his dragon form, ten times larger than most dragons, or in his human form with deadly looking eyes that clearly observed and recorded everything he saw, Darkheart was terrifying. Terrifying, but beautiful. There were myths about what Darkheart was like before he became king of dragons, but he never talked about them, and Ziek never brought it up.

Darkheart had piercing amber eyes, almost like those of Ziek only darker and without any of the friendliness. They were analytical, critical, and very observant. Tattoos lined the sides of his face but they were marks of power, not a simple thing gotten for amusement. The tattoos were a deep indigo shade with hints of black and started just below his high cheekbones before curling inwards towards pale lips.

Darkheart was a slender man, but his appearance showed that he would not be easily broken, as one might assume about an individual so thin. In fact, Darkheart was one of the least broken people in the world. There was nothing to be regretted more than getting on the bad side of the dragon king.

"Dearest creator," Darkheart crooned sarcastically and Ziek smiled.

"Most honourable destroyer," was his easy reply. Darkheart smirked at this statement, ebony locks falling into piercing eyes.

"What do you require?"

Ziek hesitated, and Darkheart raised an eyebrow in slight amusement. "Lost for words oh great one?"

Ziek shook his head and then spoke.

"How is your boy doing?" he asked and then regretted it slightly as the dragon king hissed in annoyance.

"He is foolish, becoming more and more reckless. I believe that I may have chosen incorrectly."

Ziek shook his head. "The decision was not yours to make; it was the boy's."

"If he chose his brother's life over his own, does that not make him more of a Ziekian than a Darkhearter?" asked the dragon king. "He is after all, most spectacular when behaved."

Ziek smiled. "Indeed it gives him an important quality of a Ziekian, but in his heart lies too much uncontrollable darkness. It would take centuries of work at the very least to get that temper of his under control...centuries that the boy would not be willing to give."

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