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Billions of years ago, dragons ruled this land. These dragons were free to do whatever they pleased. Often this meant destruction and death, for dragons need to eat and are attracted to the shimmering of gems, coins, and other great riches. They're hoarders, dragons are. That's why their mountains are called Treasureheap, because they are simply great mounds of treasure collected over thousands of years.

There was one dragon that was greater than the rest. He was even more terrible than the dragons that would terrorize the lands and rule the skies, and his name, was Darkheart. Darkheart was over three times the size of the average dragon. While most dragons stood about two or three stories tall, Darkheart stood at least ten, probably fifteen. His scales were his armour of black and indigo, nearly indestructible, at least not by man-made weapons. He had a wingspan of at least a mile, maybe two, and talons the length of cattle cars. A fiercer dragon had never lived.

As you may have guessed, Darkheart was the king of dragons. Though he never left the mountains of Treasureheap, everyone knew of his existence for occasionally, while their villages were being plundered, a roar would sound from the mountains and every single dragon, old or young, would take to the air and return to the side of their king.

Of course, people were terrified of what was going on. They wanted to be free, to not live in fear of the dragons, but they could do nothing, for the dragons' power was too great. However one day, everything changed.

A young woman by the name of Daphne stepped forwards in front of a large crowd and told the people that she knew how to defeat Darkheart. The people having nowhere else to turn listened intently, but were shocked when they heard what had to be done.

Daphne told them that the most powerful being of each species had to be sacrificed into a volcano, at the same time. The combined power of all these great ones would form an amount of light magic so strong, that even Darkheart would be unable to resist its power. The people having no choice, agreed.

There were fewer species in those days than there are now, so when the day of sacrifice came, 117 brave and powerful individuals made their way to the volcano of Dane and held hands around the rim. On a count of three, these individuals jumped into the fiery depths and were never seen again. Their sacrifice is what saved this world.

As the people in the volcano fell to their doom, a great beacon of light rose from the volcano. People feared it, believing there to be an eruption, but Daphne insisted that all was well. No sooner had the words left her lips, a ball of pure white light flew from the volcano and landed like a comet in front of her.

People were mystified as the light faded, and there stood a young man, perhaps twenty years of age, dressed in pure white.

The people were disgusted. "He's practically a child!" they snapped. "Barely a man! You've made a mistake woman!"

However Daphne refused to be discouraged. Instead, she knelt before the man murmuring, "my lord Ziek. Thank you for coming."

The man had smiled, a bright smile of perfect, white, teeth, and then offered a hand. Pulling Daphne to her feet, he spoke in a soft voice, but it was heard for miles.

"Let me face this dragon king. I shall stop at nothing to protect my people." With that, the young man unfurled pure white wings from his back, and took to the skies. People gasped and stared in wonder as he soared past, for he looked like a shooting star.

Soon enough, villages began to rejoice.
"The destroyer is falling!" they cheered. "The creator has come to free us!" And Ziek certainly tried. Yes, he did his best to rid the world of darkness and the dragons' power, but Darkheart was angry. For the first time, he left the security of Treasureheap and went in search of the young hero.

People panicked as they saw this king of dragons soar over their towns. They feared that he would kill them all.
"Where is he?" Darkheart had roared. "Where is the one they call Ziek?"

At these words, Ziek rose from the ground and stared the great dragon in the eye.
"I am Ziek." He had said. "There is no mean for war, for our people can live in peace."

Darkheart laughed and lashed out with his tail, and Ziek dodged the blow, but now understood that the dragon was not open to cooperation. A deadly battle raged and people all ran for cover until finally, Ziek drew a holy blade. The blade was named 'Arachnisus' for it had eight smaller blades upon it and resembled the body of a spider.

As Darkheart attacked, Ziek struck with the blade and pierced the scales that were Darkheart's armour. The king of dragons fell, roaring in anger, and Ziek channelled all of his remaining light magic into the sword, assuring the death of the other. However as Darkheart died, Ziek fell from the sky, all of his magic having been spent.

Arachnisus split and shattered, the shards spreading throughout the world and falling all over the lands, sometimes landing on people. If someone was pierced with a shard from the blade, they did not notice, but a child born would grow to be a great one. It may not be their child, it may be a child from thousands of generations later, but someone in the family would grow to be great. Thirteen shards of Arachnisus; thirteen individuals gaining unbelievable power.

As for Ziek, he landed hard on the ground and people crowded around their lord. His breathing was shallow as Daphne knelt by his side.

"My lord, oh my lord, I am sorry! I did not know that the battle would end as it has. Please forgive me!"

Ziek smiled, even as his breaths began slowing. "You are forgiven, but I beg you all to forgive me, for I have failed you. There is still darkness in this world."

The people were very upset by this statement and of course, everyone forgave their lord.

"Thank you." Said a little girl, holding her mother's hand. 'Thank you for saving us lord Ziek.'

At these words Ziek smiled. "No, thank you for allowing me to serve you." He looked up at everyone staring upon their fallen leader and his words grew faint, but everyone heard what he said. "I'll send my best." Then the lord of light drew his final breath, and died.

Dearest readers, this legend occurred billions of years before the story that I am about to tell you. For Ziek was not mistaken; there was still darkness in the world. And I must warn you that no matter how deadly they may sound, there are worse things than dragons in the world.


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