Only the red haired pirates and the mountain bandits could see and some of them got knocked out

Higuma:L-Let's just get out of here

Higuma leaves and the moutain bandits pick up their unconscious comrades and follow behind 

Shanks and his crew begin laughing but Luffy and  Y/N did not find that funny

Luffy:You think it's funny he made you look like a weakling why didn't you fight him sure they outnumbered you and maybe they looked pretty tough but what man allows himself to be treated like that then laughs you're a disgrace to pirates

Shank was quiet at first but picks up his hat and tells Luffy he'll understand when he's older and he just got some grog and that killing doesn't make you a man

Luffy:Time to go find a role model

Shanks:Hey where you going

Shanks grabs luffys arm but as Luffy continued to walk forward his arm stretched and all of shanks crew spit out their drink they all start to freak out and tell luffy that he ate the gum gum fruit which turned his body into rubber and shanks calls luffy an idiot but they then heard a big crash and look over to see Y/Ns fist in the wooden floor

Y/N was so angry a red aura was around him

Y/N:Those fucking low life pieces of shit I'll kill them they're dead

Y/N leaves the bar

Shanks:Guys you should keep an eye out on him he may try to do something he may regret

The next day

Luffy was in the bar by himself and just gone done drinking his juice until the mountain bandits entered the bar and demanded drinks

Makimo runs to the mayor's office and alerts him about luffy getting beat by the bandits

As luffy was trying to get the bandits to apologize for taking crap about shanks and his crew but luffy was missing a tooth and getting thrown around luffy tries to hit Higuma with a wooden stick but Higuma places his head on luffys head

The mayor came to the place where the bandits were hitting and bowed to the them and asked to let luffy go but Higuma declared that he was going to kill luffy until shanks arrived and y/n arrived

Shanks:Luffy I thought your punch was as powerful as a pistol

People tried to warn shanks that now wasn't the time but Higuma insulted saying that he took a break from his cleaning duties

One of the mountain bandits pointed a gun at Shanks head and another one of the mountain bandits went to Y/Ns level

R/M/B means Random mountain bandit

R/M/B:Little kid you should leave and let the grown ups talk

Y/N was quiet but then the little boy kicked the grown man's head off

Y/N was quiet but then the little boy kicked the grown man's head off

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Everyone was shocked even shanks and his crew

Y/N:You insult me and hurt my brother you assholes are gonna die for sure

Y/N runs to another one of the mountain bandits and punched him in his face which sent some of his teeth flying out of his mouth and sent his neck my backwards

Y/N continued to beat the mountain bandits either to death or severely injured leaving everyone except luffy and shanks crew were scared and shocked that y/n was smiling when he was fighting the mountain bandits

One of the bandits who managed to stay under Y/Ns radar pointed a gun at shanks

R/M/B:T-Tell him to stop or I'm gonna kill you

Shanks:You're putting your life on the line by pointing that at me

R/M/B:Huh What are you talking about

Shanks:I'm saying it's not safe to point guns

Roux then shoots the R/M/B in the head while eating meat

As some of the M/B claimed that they gone and done and that wasn't fair but shanks reminds them that they're pirates and they don't play by the rules and that nobody hurts his friend hood reason or not

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As some of the M/B claimed that they gone and done and that wasn't fair but shanks reminds them that they're pirates and they don't play by the rules and that nobody hurts his friend hood reason or not

Higuma tells the remaining M/B to kill shanks but that didn't go well as shanks crew started beat the shit out of them and Higuma started to sweat

Higuma threw a smoke bomb down and took Luffy with him

Higuma got on a boat and begin rowing into the middle of the ocean

Higuma threw luffy into the ocean and began laughing but then a sea monster came up and ate him

The sea monster then looked at luffy and dashed at him but luckily shanks grabbed luffy before the monster could kill luffy

Shanks then looks at The sea monster

Shanks:Get out of here

Shanks used some of his conquers haki and the Sea monster swam away

Shanks:Luffy I'm sorry makimo told me what happened you stood up for me hey stop crying you're a tough guy remember

Luffy was crying and sniffling

Luffy:B-But shanks what about your arm

Shanks:It's a small price to pay just an arm I'm glad you're okay

Luffy understood why shanks couldn't take him out to sea the dangers of sea were too great and he was not strong enough and he was not strong enough but most of all luffy realized how much what a great man shanks was

Shanks crew was putting boxes on the ships and luffy was talking with shanks declaring that he was gonna have a greater crew than him but Also started crying shanks then gave luffy his straw hat

Shanks:Do me a favor and keep this hat safe and Y/N become the strongest

Y/N and Luffy nodded his head

Y/N:(I'll be the strongest man in the world)

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