IX: While It Lasted

Start from the beginning

"Hey hey, you know you're more than welcome to come on in right?" Hado asked from her room, the shock of static traveling through Midoriya's body at the thought of entering Eden's garden. "Can't have you sleeping out in the hall now can we? Not with the big bad boogeyman going around haha."

"Y-Yeah heh, yeah." He nervously replied. "Boogeyman."

"Well, aren't you going to?"

Midoriya gulped with his arms clutched tightly onto the blanket and pillow that he carried in front of him, looking down at his feet like a toddler discovering they have legs. Time slowed to the pace of a snail as his right foot slowly lifted itself up, lurched forward, and stepped inside of Hado's room with a thump. That's one small step for man, and with the next came a giant leap for mankind.



Hado rotated her head like an owl towards the boy who teetered on his left foot after accidentally leaping into the girl's room, his face blank of any brain activity and comprehension. His eyes locked with hers, teeth grinning nervously in their pearly whites amidst the darkness of her room. "Ha, haha. I-I uh, just wanted to make things fun y-you know? Pretending your room was the moon and....yeah."

Hado giggled. "You're a silly willy. Hey hey come on up here!"

"U-UH, you mean up here as in, up here on your bed?"

"Yeah of course! How else are we gonna watch the show on my laptop?"

"Well uh, I just thought that uh, that you uh...o-okay."


Lightning flashed from the outside of Hado's window followed by a heaven shaking clap of thunder immediately after, Midoriya staring at the edge of her bed as if he had no clue as to what he was looking at. Sleeping in a girl's room was one thing but to be invited onto the same girl's bed while said girl is sitting with her legs cross in the middle and setting up her laptop? The feat made mastering One For All seem like absolute child's play. What was it with his innate instinct of becoming so locked whenever it came to pretty girls? It's not as if pretty girls were the ones that bullied him while he was Quirkless, they practically had no part in his life up until now.

Though a question for a different time, the question for this time was how long he would be standing like an idiot before he accepted Hado's invitation. Not long was the answer as marched his way towards the bed like a robot who has never experienced the sensation of lubricant around his joints, each of his steps creaking up to the perfect 45 degree angle and coming back down. Eventually Midoriya managed to somehow make it to the bed, climbing onto his knees and shuffling towards Hado on her left. Her covers were soft he'll note, as if he was riding a cloud meant only for the pure hearted. No wonder she her behavior and mannerisms were so fluffy all the time.

"Even though the power's down as well as the internet, I still have the series downloaded onto my laptop." Hado stated. "I LOOOOVE watching it as I'm doing my homework or on my free time it's really good."

"Sure. S-Sounds good."

Hado looked to her left and found her first year companion practically locked like a statue with his hands over his knees, a puff of a chuckle huffing through her nose with a cute smile. "You okay Midoriya? You seem a little tense over there, and by little I mean a lot."

"I-I'm fine....sorta ha." He nervously laughed. "Just uh, never really been in this kind of situation before."

"What? In a sleepover?"

"No, I've had sleepovers before when I was a little kid it's not that that I'm uncomfortable with it's...Senpai can I ask you something?"

"Sure what is it?"

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