She has told me where she lives so I walked down the street to her house. That is my first time there.

I knocked on the door and a middle-aged woman opened the door. She has orange curly hair tied in a bun, Italian-type skin, and a uniform.

“You must be Trevor, um?” I nodded. “I am Miss Ivy, please come in.”

I went inside and she told me to wait in the living room. I looked around to see a bookshelf, TV, and usual stuff that are in the living room.

But what got me interested the most is the small photo on the bookshelf.
There is Kate as a younger one, Miss Ivy, and a couple that are holding Kate happily.

That must be her parents.

“That photo was made six years ago.” I jumped in fear as Kate stood there beside me. “It is nice that you came here.”

“Well, nice that it is nice for you.” I gave her a wide smile and she looks...






“That was made when I was in Italy ready for my first day of middle school.” We kept looking at it.
“Before I moved away.”

“Well, you seem to have great parents there.” I didn’t notice her facial expression changing.
“I have only had my dad since my mum passed away. I miss her.”

“At least your mum and dad loved you and always will.” I froze after she said that.

“My parents left me.”

“What the fuc… fudge? Why would they do that? You seem like a person everyone would love.”

“Was.” She looked at me with a sad expression.

I was loved by everyone back then.”

I looked at her with concern in my eyes after she said something unexpected.

“I was, but before Lila came into my life.”

I hate when Kate is sad. It breaks my heart, so I hugged her with her hugging back.

No one deserves that fate.

Even though everyone finds out after Lila left that she was lying, and they tried to apologize to her, they couldn’t find her.
Not even her parents as Miss Ivy have made sure that they can’t be near Kate.

Miss Ivy works at Child Protective Services and when she found out about Kate, she took her in as she loves her with all her heart.
It was the two against the world, and now everyone is with her.

She left the toxic area and moved on.

She vowed that when she finds Lie-la, she would give her the Karma she deserves.

Lost DJ (Miraculous AU) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora