Wow, I'm seeing Things

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I'm too tired for this

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I'm too tired for this.

If I want to even make it to tomorrow, then I need to go to bed.

Officer's Martin and Davidson left about 4 and a half minutes ago. Ever since they left, I sat myself down on the living room couch and contemplated on my life.

Cliché I know. You'd do it too if you were in my place, which I hope you never do, though.

So, I forced myself to move my feet and collapse on my bed.

I woke up with a headache, it makes sense I woke up at 1 am this morning cried woke up at 3 am and cried some more. And now here I am. It's probably around 7 ish am.

I guess I might as well make breakfast. Maybe I'll take a little nap after.

*I wake up with a cold sweat on my forehead.

"Miss, is everything okay ?" someone asks.

I look at my surroundings, oh, I'm still home. I decided to actually take that nap and went to sleep on the couch. This is definitely not the couch, this is my bed.

But wait, Miss? Who's here? I snap myself out of my thoughts, there's a teenage guy looking at me from across the room.

What. In. The. World!

I noticed he looked worried.

Ah, great, all of my worries are making me see things!
I'm being delusional, yeah that's it, I think, trying to convince myself. That is, until my living delusion starts to talk,
"Is everything okay?"

I then started to laugh hysterically, then he looked at me like I'm crazy. I don't blame him. "Wow, I'm seeing things," I say to no one in particular after I finish laughing my problems away.

"Um i- I hate to break it to you, Miss, but you're not.", The delusion states. He starts walking closer to me, to the point where he's standing in front of my bed.

I gave him an 'are you serious' look. "Here, find out for yourself, Miss.," he says as he extends his arm toward me. I start to extend my as well but hesitate, him noticing this reassures me with a nod. So, I do, I touched his arm and started to feel the color drain from my face as soon as it made contact.

Uh oh.

I know I should be relieved that I'm not going crazy, but I'm not. I'm too busy thinking about how in the world he got in here and why.

I quickly retreat my hand from his arm. "Are you going to murder me ?", I say bluntly.

What? If he is, the least, he can do for me is being honest...

He looks at me with a blank expression and then starts laughing, putting his arm's on his stomach. Trying not to burst out laughing even more than he is. Now it's my turn to look at him like he's crazy.

After he calms down, he starts to speak, "Well I could, but your family would then kill me and I would prefer not to make them angry".

"So why did you break in then?".
"And what family? If you didn't know they're dead, well, at least the foster ones.", I mutter the lost part in the most nonchalant tone ever as if it's the most normal thing ever.

"Didn't the police tell you I was coming? And I did not break in, they gave me a key because you weren't answering the door!" he said. Before I got the chance to respond, he continues,
"I'm the reason you're staying here instead of the station, even though it's against protocol." I furrowed my eyebrows, then it hit me.

The "visitor". "What?" he asked. Ugh I said that out loud didn't I.
"Yeah you did Miss." he said while chuckling.
I internally start screaming, HOPEFULLY in my mind.
"Oh sorry about yes they did mention a "visitor" I say using hand air quotations. "Now, why exactly are you here keeping me company?"

"Your family sent me, I'm your bodyguard. Like I said, I'm here so that you won't have to sleep at the station and so that you won't be alone."

At the risk of me repeating myself, he adds with so much caution, "The one you're going to be living with now, remember?"

"Yeah okay..." I mutter under my breath just loud enough for him to hear.

*We just had breakfast. I just had breakfast with my bodyguard.
Ha!, that sounds weird to say.

And well, he had breakfast, I sat in the corner contemplating my life.

His name is Grayson. Turns out he moved me to the bed because apparently I was almost about to fall off the couch. To be honest, that sounds about right...

Ever since my slip up this morning, I've kept a poker face. I guess I'm stuck with my new paid companion. Note the sarcasm. I don't even know why I'm mad. But thankfully, my foster parent's relatives were able to speed up the process of the funeral.

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