kyle broflovski

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( kyle belongs originally to Ghostisdumb_)

Kyle was sitting in class, staring at his empty notebook.
“Stupid fucking teacher.” he mutters.

you were sitting next to Kyle and heard his pointless mutter
'You really don't like him, huh' you whisper back.

“Dude, you don’t even know. This guy is such a…” Kyle looks around before whispering “…jerk.”

'Gotta agree with you on that one bro'.

Kyle looks around again, leans in and whispers “You wouldn’t happen to have any… you know, fireworks on you, would you? Cuz I need to teach this guy a lesson after class.”

sigh 'Come to my house after skewl, and elaborate, I've definitely got some, but at my house. Its hard to smuggle fireworks you know.

"Sweet, thanks bro."
After the bell rings, Kyle walks over to your house, a smug look on his face.
"This is gonna be the most epic practical joke of all time."

Kyle entered your house
'Yup, yup definitely practical'.

Kyle opens his jacket to reveal a box of fireworks.
"I was hoping you had some too," he says with a smile. "We are gonna send this teacher over the edge, bro."

smiles before a frown appears on face
'He deserves it. Did you hear what he did to students?'.

"No, what did he do?" Kyle asks, visibly eager to prank this jerk.

'Apparently, he kept a girl in after class because she was failing, when she actually wasn't, and he tried to touch her chest, but failed!'

Kyle’s face turns red with anger.
"That's it - this guy is going down!"

a dark look appears on your face 'Yeah, let's do this'.

After waiting for hours, the teacher comes outside into the parking lot. Kyle lights a firework and throws it into the teacher's car. The fireworks blow up and the teacher comes running out screaming.
#"MY CAR!!!"

'Good shot' you whisper excitedly.

"I know right?!" he says with a big, smug smile and a sense of great satisfaction.

Wait until the school hears about this - that jerk won't have a job!"

your eyes light up with excitement, and a big smirk covers your face 'Hopefully we'll get a normal teacher as a replacement.'

"Heck yeah. We just did every student in the school a huge favor, bro! We're totally heroes... I bet everyone will love us now."

you snigger
'We'll get in huge trouble though

"Not if he doesn't know it was us!" Kyle says with an even bigger smile.
"Even if he does, he can't prove anything! You're with me on this right, dude? You won't rat me out, will you?"

'Of course not!'
you lower your voice 'There is one more person.... the one who caught him doing.... y'know...'

Kyle thinks for a moment, then a look of realization crosses his face.
"Wait. Are you saying, he did that to another kid?" he asks, sounding outraged. "That's disgusting! That pervert has to pay for what he did."

'... yeah... '
'But we'll have them on our side!'

"Yes, we will!"
Kyle's voice turns cold and calculating.
"Now, are you in on a more dangerous prank...? Because I got an idea for the ultimate revenge..."

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2023 ⏰

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