Vol.1 Chp. 1: Two Different Students

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' ': Writing

It's a bit sudden, but I would listen seriously to the question I'm about to ask and think about the answer carefully.

Question: Are people equal or not?

With calls for fair treatment of both genders, more opportunities for women, accessible transportation, and equal treatment for those with disabilities. Children are being taught about the importance of equality for all.

Is that true?

Men and women have different roles if they have different abilities. People with disabilities are still disabled, no matter what term they call disabled people. None of this has meaning if no one pays attention to it.

In other words, the answer is no.

People are unequal beings; there are no truly "equal" people.

There is a quote from a wise man who said God created all people equal. However, it is essential to note that being equal does not mean being identical. Have you heard the whole passage? It continues to say that while all people are born equal, there are still differences in jobs and social status, which raises the question of why these differences exist.

That was written in the second half of the passage. Is it a difference because one struggled with academics or didn't try hard enough?

Anyhow, people are beings that are capable of thinking. I don't think it's correct to say that people should live only using instincts because things aren't fair.

In other words, equality is full of lies and falsehoods, but inequality is also unacceptable. I was trying to find a new answer to the eternal problem facing human beings.

Hey you, the one who's holding this book and reading it.

Have you ever thought about the future?

Have you ever imagined what it means to go to high school or college?

Have you never felt that it was vague that one day, you would somehow find employment and get a job?

I felt that way.

I noticed nothing when I finished compulsory education and entered high school.

I only felt joy in being released from my "duty."

I didn't notice that, at that moment, my life and future were being progressively impacted.

I didn't even understand what it meant to be studying Japanese and mathematics at school.

3rd POV

Ayanokouji was taking the bus to school, which shook every time it passed over a bumpy road area. Most of the passengers were wearing school uniforms like Ayanokouji.

The young man was utterly lost in his thought when he felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned to see a young man staring at him.

His hair was a bit messy, and he looked tired. He opened his bag, took out a notebook, and wrote something down.

'Can I sit here?' It said.

Ayanokouji nods, allowing the young man to sit beside him.

'I thought my tranquility and peace would be interrupted, but it looks like he was looking for a seat,' Ayanokouji thought.

Ayanokouji thought about closing his eyes, but his peace was interrupted.

"I see that someone noticed my magnificent self; greetings, Handsome-kun."

Ayanokouji thought they were talking to him, but they were talking to the young man beside him.

It was a blonde-haired man exuding confidence and seemed muscular. He caught his neighbor's stare and flashed him a dashing smile.

COTE: The Quiet One Can Be DangerousOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora