Recovery Part 1 (Aelou)

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Sometimes I wonder how I'm able to reach word counts like this. This did not felt that long when i reread it. So how the hell is this over a thousand words?! 

Anyways, enjoy!


The bright afternoon sun rays filtered through the curtains, lighting up a world that would be covered in darkness otherwise. Nilou slowly stirred awake, a throbbing ache pulsing through her temples. The pain was indescribable to her. It was an unwelcome visitor that accompanied her return from the world of slumber. Despite that deep slumber however, her body seemed to be heavier. Not only that, she couldn't seem to shake off the remnants of a vivid dream she had experienced. Perhaps that was what caused her fatigue...

"Wait... Dream?!"

A realization would come to her mind, as every moment of her "dream" slowly filled her mind. It was obvious what she needed to do. She needed to find Aether.

She quickly got out of bed and rushed to the front door of her temporary quarters. That is, until that same ache that she's been feeling would make itself known once again, now accompanied by a sudden surge of memories and visions that she had never seen before, and a sudden intensification of the feeling.


She couldn't move. Her entire body felt heavy and uncooperative, as if someone had tied her to a giant rock, or was weighed down by an invisible force. She tried to make her way towards the door, but the pain just kept getting worst. Her vision was also growing increasingly darker, as she slowly stumbled on her knees, and her body crumpled to the cold wooden floor, strength ebbing away along with her vision. It was as if the world had turned into a haze of shadows and blurred outlines. The throbbing intensified, as she slowly lost whatever bit of consciousness she had left, as the world around her turned into a void of black.



Aether and Paimon had been resting for a while, since the debacle with the Samsara had took a toll on their bodies, both mentally and physically. They were enjoying a small lunch in the tavern, engaging in some small talk here and there. That was, before Paimon brought something up.

"You know, Paimon wonder how Nilou is doing. Being the host of that dream must've taken a toll on her, so is she doing alright?"

Aether paused mid-bite, concern crossing his face as he considered Paimon's question. He hadn't seen Nilou since they broke free from the Samsara, and he wonders if being the host would bring about any side effects.

"I'm not sure, Paimon," Aether replied, his voice tinged with worry. "We should go check on her if she's doing okay."

Paimon nodded in agreement, as she went back to burying herself in her meal. Aether would do the same, only his mind would now be filled with a certain dancer. One part for worry, and one part reminiscing on the beauty he witnessed

After finishing, they slowly made their way to Nilou's quarters, steps quickening with each passing moment. Until they finally reached the door. 

Aether slowly approached the door, and gave a few knocks. "Nilou? Are you in there?" No response. He gave another few knocks, still nothing. Having enough, he held his hand on the doorknob, and swung the door open.

The room had a familiar interior to his, with a stool and chair, and a bed that could fit at least one or two people. The only difference, was the motionless body on the floor.

"Nilou!" Aether's heart skipped a beat, as he quickly rushed to her side, gently cradling her in his arms.

"Hey, are you okay?" Aether said as she gently shook Nilou, trying to rouse her from her unconscious state. Her face was pale, and her breathing shallow. Yet, there was no vocal response.

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