Valentine's Day Snippets

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Because why not?
Also Happy Valentine's Day!

"Alright, you got this Keqing." She said as she tried to mentally prepare herself.

It was Valentine's Day, and Keqing had been given, or moreso forced on a break by Ningguang. She decided to concede for this time, as today is pretty special. Thanks to Xiangling's help, she was able to make a full box of chocolates all for him. She was a bit anxious about the taste, but Xiangling did said that they tasted great, so she wasn't worried about it, or at least she tried to not worry about it.

Since now comes the hard part, actually giving these to him. All forms of anxiety rushed into her head, like "what if he doesn't like the taste?" or "what if he isn't satisfied with my gift?". She just decided to forget about all that. All she had to do, was walk over to him, and give him the chocolates. That was easier said than done. She tried to wait for the place to be a little quieter, and finally approached him. Aether turned around, and saw Keqing, who seemed to be holding something in her back and her face also looked a little red.

"H-hello Aether."

"Oh, hello Keqing! Is something the matter?"

"Oh, it's nothing too urgent. I just wanted to tell you something..." Keqing said, her face getting more and more red.

"Okay, what is it?" Aether replied, interested.

"O-okay so..." Keqing tried to start talking, but her face became so red Aether thought he saw smoke coming from the top of her head.


"H-happy Valentine's Day!" Keqing blurted out as she handed him the box and ran away. Leaving a confused Aether who was looking at what was on his hand.

"I see..." Aether muttered. He opened up the box and saw what was inside. He decided to try one of them.

"This is really good..." Aether thought as he ate one of them. Realising that she made these for him, he wasn't going to let her simply run away. He decided to give chase to Keqing.

He wasn't going to celebrate this alone after all.


It was the aftermath of the Lantern Rite festival, as the people of Liyue was currently cleaning up the Harbor. Chongyun was busy cleaning up around Xinyue Kiosk when he was suddenly tackled by someone. That someone turned out to be...

"Yunyun!" Hu Tao screamed, tackling him into a hug in the process. He was used to this, but every time she did, he couldn't help but blush a little at her childish acts.

"What is it now, Walnut?" Chongyun asked, a little annoyed that his work was interrupted.

"Hey! I'm not a Walnut!" Hu Tao said, a little pout forming in her face. Chongyun couldn't help but find this cute. Even though he was used to seeing her act like this, it was still adorable to him. Getting those thoughts out of his head, he asked her what she wanted.

"I just wanted to give you something..."

"Oh, what is it?"

She presented the box she was hiding behind her, all wrapped up neatly.

"Happy Valentine's Day! Go on, take it!" Hu Tao said, handing him the box. He was a little reluctant accepting it, but seeing her face like that he couldn't say no. He opened the box and found a bunch of chocolate neatly put together and what looked like a chocolate popsicle.

"Do you like it?" Hu Tao asked, eyes brimming with anticipation.

"Well I won't know until I try them out." Chongyun said as he put one of the chocolates in his mouth. He immediately tasted the sweetness combined with a little bit of bitterness. He then tried out the popsicle, and immediately noticed how cold it was. There was also no bitter taste alnd it was just a sweet taste all over.

"This tastes really good! Thank you!" Chongyun said, continuing to eat on his Popsicle.

"You're welcome! I'm glad you like it!" Hu Tao said, looking at him munching on the popsicle. She didn't think that it was that good, but seeing him eating it, she started to want some too. Her mouth was slightly agape watching him eat it. Chongyun, realising what she was looking at, decided to play with her a little bit. He picked up one of the chocolates and put it on her mouth.

"Come on now, you made this for me. You shouldn't resist now. Let's enjoy these together." Chongyun said with a smile on his face. Realising what he did, she became fuming red in an instant. The smile on his face while he said that making her even redder. But she chewed on the chocolate in her mouth anyways and immediately tasted the bittersweetness.

She supposed she could indulge herself if he allowed her to...


"But Thoma, are you sure? I want this to be perfect for him." Ayaka said, a look of uncertainty in her face.

"It'll be fine, milady. I'm sure he'll like it. You should be going now, he's waiting." Thoma said, trying to reassure her.

"Alright, deep breaths.... Farewell Thoma."

"Farewell milady. Good luck!"

"Everything will be fine..." Ayaka thought to herself as she walked out of the Kamisato Estate.

It was a pretty short walk from there to Chinju Forest. As she was walking, all kinds of thoughts plagued her head. She tried her best to set those aside. She was going to make this the best it could possibly be.

Once she arrived at Chinju Forest, there he saw, the saviour of Inazuma and the fabled Traveler, or Aether as he preferred her to call him by, sitting on one of the rocks, waiting for her.

"You're late." Aether said, a grin plastered on her face.

"My apologies, I had to go grab something first."

"Well it's fine. So why did you call me here?"

"W-well, I wanted to give you something."

This caught Aether's attention. Normally she wouldn't stutter that easily, but for now, he just decided to stay quiet and let her continue. Although it didn't seem like she could. He could notice her fidgeting slightly, and it also seemed like her face started to go red. She was noticing that he was staring at her intently, and just decided to end it before she would pass out.

"H-happy Valentine's Day, Aether!" Ayaka said as she held out a box in front of him. He was quite surprised. Never did he think that the Shirasagi Himegimi celebrated Valentine's day.

"My my, is the Shirasagi Himegimi celebrating Valentine's now?" Aether said in a teasing manner.

"Wha- no i didn't-" Ayaka was now shaking very quickly, attempting to explain herself. He found this rather adorable that she was trying to explain herself.

"Alright alright, I was just joking. Is that for me?"

"Of course! Here." Ayaka said, quickly handing him the box she was carrying. He opened the box and found an organised pack of chocolates. He decided to pick one of the chocolates and put it in her mouth.

"I had Thoma help be my guide on making them, but everything was made by me. Do you like it?" Ayaka asked, waiting for his answer. She attempted to analyse his face to see if he enjoyed her chocolates, but all she saw was a pleased smile.

"Very. I can't believe you made these! Not even I could make it this delicious!" Aether said as he kept eating all of the chocolates. This put a smile on her face, she should thank Thoma again once she comes back home.

As he was eating, Ayaka couldn't help but continue to stare at him, she was mostly just looking at his face, admiring his features. He quickly noticed this and decided to mess around with her a little. He picked up the last piece and stuffed it in her mouth.

"Come on now, I can't be the only one eating can i?" Aether said. It took a while before Ayaka was able to process what was happening, but once she did, her face became red in an instant. She quickly tried to hide it with her fan, but she only now remembered that she forgot to bring it with her. All she could do was chew the chocolate that she put in her mouth.

"So? How is it?"

"It's good..."

"Obviously, you made it." Aether said while laughing. This also earned a small chuckle from Ayaka.

At least she can say that this gift was a sucess.

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