Kisses or math?

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Tutor gf (Y/N) x student bf (B/N)

"Okay so, to find x, you're gonna make the right hand equal the left hand side, so first you wanna move the 8 over to this si-" Y/N stopped abruptly when she looked up at B/N who staring at her dreamily. His look didn't change when she raised an eyebrow at him, in fact his smile only grew wider.

"Hey! Googly eyes, what did I just say?" B/N's eyes widened slightly but he quickly composed himself. He sat up and the hand that previously been a rest for his chin came down to the book. "Uhhh you ummm, you make the right hand equal the left hand side and umm... uhh" He looked up at Y/N sheepishly and chuckled lightly. "What was after that?" He asked with a small smile.

She sighed with a knowing look. "You move the 8 over to this side and then-" She felt B/N's hand snake around the back of her waist. "B/N" she chided. "Whaaat!?" He groaned. "It's not my fault you're pretty" he said laying his head on her shoulder. She shook her head and nudged his head so that he could see her calculations. "Then you divide it by 2, so now you've just got the 16 remaining on this side so you- B/N!" She yelled when she felt his lips on her neck.

The boy flinched but did not stop his movements. He peppered kisses along her neck and up toward her jaw. "B/N focus! This is an important part, it might be in your next test" she said but B/N barely cared. "C'mon love at least try to focus" she said reluctantly pushing the boy off her shoulder. "I can never focus when I'm around you" he moaned, throwing himself on the desk dramatically.
"Well maybe we need to get you another tutor then-" "No! No, no I'll pay attention I promise" he replied instantly. "Mhmm" Y/N said smugly.

He leant over and listened to her explanations. They made it through 3 questions before B/N got distracted again. When she tried to get him to focus he started complaining again "But I want kisses baby" he said pouting at her. "How about this, you get one kiss for every answer you get right" she proposed. B/N considered it for a moment before nodding. She rapidly wrote out a question and slid the book over to B/N who started scribbling away.

Two minutes later he happily passed the book back to her. She examined it slowly, with B/N practically bouncing with anticipation beside her. When she turned to look at him his eyes were closed and his lips were already puckered.

She gently pushed his lips away with a smirk. He opened his eyes and glared at her grumpily. "Where's my kiss?" He whined. "This is wrong love" Y/N said. "What!" He exclaimed. He grabbed the book and pulled it to himself. "You missed that one out" she said pointing to one part of the equation. "Ughhhh" he groaned moodily.

"Here you go" she said giving him the next equation. He rolled his eyes but started doing it anyway. He hastily scrawled out an answer and pushed it towards her once again. She checked it once more. "Sorry babe, looks like you've made a rounding error" she said with a sympathetic smile. "Arghhhhh" he screamed and grabbed her face, pulling her towards him.

He smashed his lips into hers as he kissed her hungrily. His hands fell down to her waist as he pulled her closer. When they broke apart, he barely allowed her a second of breath before he pulled her back in for another kiss. Y/N was breathing heavily by the end of it.

"Hey uh I need to tell you something" she said quietly. "What?" B/N asked, his eyebrows furrowing. "You didn't make a rounding error" she whispered smiling evilly. "You're a monster" he said with a gasp. Y/N grinned before pulling him in for another kiss

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