Couple t-shirts

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Y/N: Your name

B/N: Boyfriend's name

Y/F: Your favourite movie, book, show, band etc.

R/S: Random show or series

Y/N's Pov

I was sitting in my lounge in the apartment me and my boyfriend B/N shared. I had my laptop resting on my thighs and my feet in B/N's lap. He was watching YouTube and was shopping on Amazon. I came across couple t-shirts and started to scroll down. I gasped dramatically when I found a Y/F couple t shirt. "What?" B/N said looking at me concernedly. I turned the laptop to him and he raised his eyebrows at me. "Can we get it? Pleeeeeeease" I asked pouting at him. "I don't know babe, couple t-shirts are kinda tacky" he said looking back at the tv. "I thought they looked cute" I said sadly. 

"You wouldn't even wear one for me?" I asked pleadingly. "You wouldn't even wear one for me?" "No, can we just drop it, god why do you have to be so needy!" He said angrily and got off the couch, storming upstairs. I looked down confusedly. Why was he so mad? Did I do something earlier? maybe he doesn't love me anymore and he doesn't want any ties to me so he can break up with me. Thoughts like these plagued me throughout the rest of the day. 

I was too busy worrying to talk to him at dinner so we ate in silence. After I brushed my teeth and changed into my pyjamas I laid down on the bed next to B/N. I turned my head to the side to see his back facing me. We had never gone to sleep angry, it was one of our golden rules yet here we were still not talking to each other. I turned of the lamp on my bedside table and mumbled a goodnight that was so soft he probably wouldn't hear it. 

B/N's Pov

I whipped my head to the side after hearing Y/n gasp to see her looking at me with a big smile on her face. "What?" I asked raising my eyebrows at her when she didn't respond. She turned her laptop toward me and on it showed Y/F couple t-shirts. The exact same t-shirts I had ordered for us earlier this week. ""Can we get it? Pleeeeeeease" she asked pouting at me. I had ordered them as a surprise so Y/N didn't know, how was I supposed to say no without hurting her feelings. "I don't know babe, couple t-shirts are kinda tacky" I said looking away from her.

"I thought they looked cute" She said sadly. I felt a twinge of sadness but I scrunched up my fists and willed myself not to say anything. I was never a good liar even my parents said so. "You wouldn't even wear one for me?" she said. "No, can we just drop it, god why do you have to be so needy!" I said and ran up to our bedroom. I ran my hands through my hair in a frustrated manner. 'Why did you have to be so stupid. You could've just told her no, you idiot.' I kicked the side of our bed out of frustration. I breathed heavily before remembering, the shirts should be coming tomorrow. 'I'll just show her then and we'll be fine, yeah' I thought nodding to myself.

I stayed away from Y/N from the rest of the day in case I let something slip or blow up at me again. I stayed quiet during dinner and so did she. Later that night I laid on my bed on my phone. A notification appeared confirming that the t-shirts would arrive tomorrow. I gave a small whoop in my head just before I heard Y/N turn off the light. 

Y/N's Pov

When I woke up B/N was still sleeping so I softly slipped out from under the covers and walked down the stairs. 'Maybe he was just having a bad day' I thought as I grabbed a coffee mug from the shelf. 'I'll act like everything's normal and if he does the same I'll know he just had a bad day' I carried my coffee and two slices of toast to the couch and began munching on it as I watched R/S. I heard footsteps from behind me and turned around to see B/N slowly making his way down the stairs. 

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