I'll never forget you

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Warning: Dead father. Do not read if this triggers you

Y/N: Your name

B/N: Boyfriend's name

F/N: His father's name 

An autumn night arose and the couple were lying in bed, as usual. Y/N and B/N were wrapped in each other's arms, Y/N nuzzling her head into B/N's chest and B/N burying his head into her soft hair. B/n was on his back with Y/N practically on top of him. 

I looked up at B/N and he smiled down at me. I had been thinking about doing this for and I decided that this was finally the right time to do it. B/N's dad had died in a car crash when he was seven and since B/N barely ever talked about it that was basically all I knew. At first  I didn't want to push him but I felt like talking to someone might be good so I asked him. "B/N" I said my heart racing, scared of how he might react. "If you're feeling up to it... Could you till me more about your father?" I waited with bated breath for his reply. 

"Oh... Sure I guess" he said. I shifted so that my head was now on his pillow, facing him. He looked around for a second before saying "He played guitar too. Every night before I went to bed he'd play a song for me. At one point, every night for at least a month, I would ask him to play Something Just Like This. Dad's the reason I got into guitar" he said smiling fondly. "And after... Well you know... I saw some old pictures of him. In one of them his hair was long and curly and he was wearing a leather jacket" B/N said laughing. I gazed up at him, happy with his reactions to talking about his dad.

"He taught me how to surf." I looked at him softly waiting for him to continue. "I remember the first time I got on a board, he was on his board next to me and he told me "I'm not gonna pretend you won't fall because you will. But every time you fall, you'll get back on that board, cause trust me, the first time you stand up on your own, without falling, that's worth a million falls." B/N's eyes had teared up ever so slightly by now. "I use that for everything now. Sort've a motto to live by. Every time something goes wrong I just think about Dad and how he never let anything stop him." Fat tears were now dripping down B/N's cheeks and I wrapped my arms around his neck to hold him. 

He sobbed into my chest and my heart shattered hearing his cries. I rubbed his back gently hoping to calm him down and eventually it worked. He looked up at me, eyes red from tears and asked in a broken voice "Can we go visit him?" I nodded and got out of bed. handing him his jacket that he'd left, draped over the back of the chair. I got my own jacket, threw on some boots and grabbed my car keys as B/N came down the stairs. We got in the car and drove in silence, B/N occasionally telling me where to go. Finally we arrived at the graveyard. We stepped out of the car and walked through the rusted, steel gates. I followed B/N through the graveyard, every now and then, looking at the names on the headstones. Finally he stopped and stood motionless, gaining down at the stone. It said:

Here lies F/N

A loving father, husband and friend

Who was a gift to all

B/N kneeled down in front of it, me doing the same. After a while, he spoke "Hey dad, I know I've already come here, this month but I was thinking about you and decided there's someone I'd like you to meet." He looked at you for a moment before continuing. "This is Y/N, the girl I told you about." I smiled sadly. "She's absolutely perfect, I don't know what I'd do without her. You would of loved her." He said, his voice cracking at the end. 

I grasped his hand in mine and he smiled at me gratefully. We sat in silence before he stood up and said "Let's go home." He put his arm around my shoulders and we walked out of the graveyard but before we reached the gates he turned around and murmured "I'll never forget you." 

We walked out of the gates to go back home.

I cried writing this :(

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