Beach Day

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Warnings: Very Descriptive

B/N: Boyfriend name

Y/F/S: Your favourite song

H/F/I/C/F: His favourite ice cream flavour 

Y/F/I/C/F: Your favourite ice cream flavour

I grabbed my beach bag and put sunscreen, a towel and everything else I'd need for my beach day with B/N. I was wearing an aqua coloured bikini with a white crop top and denim shorts on top. I scrolled through Insta on the couch waiting for B/N when I heard the sound of car horn from outside. I grabbed my bag and ran outside to B/N who was leaning against his car. I dropped my bag and jumped into his arms, he caught me and held me tight, his chest rumbling as he chuckled at my greeting. Once he put me down he kissed the tip of my nose and grabbed my bag, throwing it in the backseat. I jumped in his convertible and we were off. 

The wind was rushing past my ears my hair flowing out behind me. B/N looked absolutely gorgeous with his blonde fringe falling over his eyes under his favourite black cap. We sang along to Y/F/S as the sun shined down on us. B/N played guitar and when one of his favourite songs to play came on I let him sing alone, listening to his deep, captivating voice. I stared at him noticing how his eyes closed for a second when the beat would drop and how he tilted his head ever so slightly, to the right when he sang a hit high note. His hazel eyes shone with happiness, glinting softly under the summer sun. 

Finally I stepped out the car to gaze upon the sight of golden sand and bright blue sea. Children making sand castles and playing in the waves. B/N grabbed my hand and ran onto the sand. We found our spot on the sand and laid our towels down. B/N pulled off his shirt, showing off his washboard abs. I stared at his toned stomach for a moment before B/N said "take a picture it'll last longer" with his signature smirk. He sat down on his towel and pulled me down to sit in between his legs. I leant back against his warm chest as we both stared out a the waves.

After a while B/N went back to the car to get his surfboard. I pulled of my shirt and shorts and tossed it into the bag. Suddenly a pair of arms wrapped around my waist, I was about to hit them where the sun don't shine when a familiar voice said "looking good baby." I blushed lightly as I turned around to face him. Without warning he picked me up and ran toward the sea. He set me down in the water, laughing at my boyfriend. We played around in the waves for a while before I told him he could go surf if he wanted to. "Are you sure baby?" He asked not wanting to leave you alone. "Yeah I'll be fine" I reassured him kissing his cheek. 

"You can go up the street to the shops if you get bored" he said putting his arms around my waist. "Nah it's fine I like watching you surf, you look hot" I said winking at him as walked towards our spot. When I turned back around he flexed his biceps and looked at me seductively. I laid on the sand letting the sun warm me up as I watched B/N. The way he moved on the board, as if he were one with the waves, his alluring abs and striking biceps on full display. I took a sip of water and fanned myself gently as I continued to ogle at him. 

Eventually he sauntered back to the sand. Water was dripping off torso, his wet hair stuck to his forehead and deep eyes staring straight at me. Once he reached me he grabbed his towel and started drying off. I nearly choked on my water when his large shoulder blades flexed from wiping himself off. "Let's build a sand castle." "What?" I said looking at B/N. "I wanna build a sand castle. I brought spades and everything" he said pulling a kids' sand castle kit out of his backpack. I internally awww'ed at how adorable he was before grabbing a spade. "Within half an hour we had built a huge sand castle, with windows and a moat, complete with a little flag. By now it was four thirty and most of the families were leaving the beach.

"So what now?" he asked looking at me. "Ice cream" I suggested to which he replied with a goofy smile. We packed up our towels and headed up the street. Once we got to the ice cream store we ordered, B/N getting a H/F/I/C/F and you ordered Y/F/I/C/F. We sat down at one of the little tables and ate in silence, just being in the presence of each other was enough. He smiled at you gently and once again I studied his features. How I could see the ocean shining in his eyes and the sun setting on the horizon, casting an orange glow over his face. 

Finally when the sun had disappeared and the sky was painted a reddish, orange we stood hand in hand and walked back to his car. When we got to my house B/N opened my door for me and walked me to the door. "I had a lot of fun today" he said letting his hands fall to my hips. "Me too" I said. "We should definitely do this again" I said pulling him into a hug. "Well we do have the whole summer" he said winking at me. 

I giggled before letting go but he pulled me back. His lips met mine as he held me waist tight. His tongue swiped over my bottom lip and I granted him entrance. our tongues fought in a battle of dominance which he won. I melted into his arms as I fell into a spiral of bliss. It felt like years before we pulled apart though it was probably only a matter of seconds. "See you tomorrow" he whispered delicately, I could feel his warm breath on my neck making my knees weak. I waved goodbye as he drove up the road, closing my eyes reliving our wondrous beach day. 

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