Marinette giggled. Where on earth did he manage to find a Chat Noir sprite icon with a wiggling butt? It was a homage to just a few seconds clip from one of the movies where an unfortunate Chat Noir was a little too catlike for his own good. But someone had committed all its glory to a moving sprite.

Begrudgingly, her fingers were already typing. Why did he have to be so cute?

Darn it. Blushing furiously, she was sorely tempted to just dive back under the covers and scream into her pillow.

Why was he being so adorable?

Thankfully, only Tikki, her goldfish, could see, but he was the only one who could manage to send her straight back to high school levels of smitten.

And she hadn't even seen his face.

Well... not really. The masks were very effective.

Pressing her lips into a thin line, Marinette scrambled over to her wardrobe, quickly gathering her clothes for the day.

If she wasn't determined to get the box to the post office this morning before work before, she definitely was now. As soon as she had made it down the stairs with his box, she headed to the fridge to grab a quick bite to eat and she dashed off a quick message.

Though she had a whole pile of boxes, Marinette could only manage the box for Chat Noir, bulky as it was. It would be a sacrifice, but she would just have to get up early tomorrow to get the others sent out in time, too. She could walk to the post office, but it was hard to manage to see past anything more than the one box on often crowded streets. Even a convenience pick up for the package wouldn't work when nearly every spare euro she'd saved was going back into her shop.

With a little bit of practice from sending out packages every few days, she hooked her foot into the door handle and pulled, just enough to scoot herself in to prop the door open and swing herself inside, box and all.

The line was long, but would only take a few minutes... If the second clerk would come out from the back to take this package.

Standing at the table, she picked up the forms station, scribbling in his mailing address by heart. Because she had finished it all so late, she hadn't had the time to print out the label ahead, although she had copies of a few of the overseas forms handy. It would go to a post office box over in New York, so she didn't know exactly where he lived. Or if someone picked it up and then brought it to him.

Then again, he managed to chat in French like a Parisian.

The mystery of it all was part of the allure, honestly.

Plus Chat Noir was amused to no end when she started to address it to "black cat" in as many languages as she could find. Over the years, she had sent him so many packages, she was starting to run out of the languages she could easily translate.

Meanwhile, she left the spot for the return address as a tiny Ladybug. Thankfully, with the box insured as it was, she was able to track and technically have it returned if the PO Box ever refused service.

Taking another two steps forward in this line. The other clerk was clearly taking an extra long breakfast break. Impatiently, her eyes narrowed at the hours on the door. They had only been open for a half hour.

She had been making this trek to the post office every few weeks for well over two years now, so she knew they didn't usually move so slowly. It was just when she really wanted to get it to him to see him freak out about all her hard work.

At the beginning of their friendship, Chat Noir had taken pictures in what she sent with a very basic black Halloween mask. She was reasonably sure the ears were made of felt that he had pasted onto the top just to troll her.

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