Chapter 5

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One week earlier...

The shrill cadence of the alarm chiming from her phone left Marinette grumbling as she opened her eyes to light that was much too bright.

Not when she'd only finally crept into bed only a few hours earlier.


Yawning and disoriented, she blindly floundered for her phone before finding that someone, probably her mother, had come up and tossed a blanket over her on the chaise. She'd laid back after packing it all up last night and crashed fully.

Sure the commission had been super detailed, but considering how well her efforts had turned out, it was worth one night with a little less sleep than she had hoped for.

Quickly rubbing her bleary eyes to help them adjust more quickly, she checked the phone she had resting next to her pillow on the chaise

Even with the slow pace of her eyes adjusting to the early morning light, she could only just make out the sign of a chat notification.

Grinning, she picked up her phone, curled up on her side and unlocked it.

The final message flashed in dark mode.

Chat Noir, she sighed softly. He was certainly asleep already now. Except that he wasn't. It had to be well past midnight over there. As fast as her fingers could manage with the odd angle, she responded.

Shoving the comforter off her chaise she let her feet fall to the floor.

The chime of a response surprised her.

She snorted, as she shuffled over to her dresser.

She frowned at the heavy bags under her eyes. Today was going to take a massive toll on her waning bottles of foundation and concealer, but the fact that he was so excited that he was still up meant that the long hours had totally been worth it.

Snagging her comb, she set into the tangles. Pursing her lips, she debated if she should just climb back into bed to get another hour of sleep. It had been worth it to take a shower break in between her sewing sessions to keep her head in the game in the waning hours of the morning.

Her eyebrow arched high. She was definitely going to send it by the slowest method possible.

Her fingers flew across the keys.

Marinette laughed at that, as she brushed her hair. He really must be tired if he was using the same pun again so soon.

She snorted, packing up the box as she puzzled whether to groan or eyeroll. It felt cheap to keep using the same emoji when he clearly was putting a little effort into the puns.

That silly winking emoji again. She'd sent it to him years ago and it had quickly become his favorite thing in the world.

Well, it was at least his second favorite thing. After teasing her.

Smirking, she readied her reply.

Sighing, she finished packing the massive, bulky box. It was a hassle to deal with all the extra packing material, but it was necessary to ensure it didn't move even if the box corners were a little smushed in transit. She had preset most of the structure to fold in the green patterned wings into place, but it still took some time to place the shoulder harness in a way that wouldn't move or break the wings' structure in transit.

She sighed heavily, taping the box together. This wasn't the first time he had asked. Unfortunately, it was unlikely to be the last, either.

Smirking, she snagged a picture of the box to tease him with.

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