[E2] Chapter 5 - Hannah Cole

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A pang of concern struck the back of Hannah's throat. Of course. She should have known that something had gone terribly wrong for her Mother to be so late. Serial worriers weren't usually late to pick up their children.

"Oh my God, what happened?"

"Had a bit of an episode in my bar. I think it was like a panic attack or something. She seemed near back to her old self when I left her, so I wouldn't worry too much."

"Hopefully it's nothing," Hannah said.

"Well, she's having some tests run and may yet be another while, so I offered to pick you and your sister up."

Hannah gazed about herself. "Well, that's another story, because I haven't seen any sign of Marie."

Robert frowned in a way that caused two deep divots to form either side of his mouth. "Well then, I guess we'll just wait here until she shows up. She knows the spot, doesn't she?"

"She does," Hannah said, before slotting in next to Robert in the passenger seat. His car was spacious and smelled nice, sort of spicy, but that also could have just been his cologne.

"So, how was the concert?"


"Were they any good?"

"Oh yeah," Hannah said after a brief pause. She'd almost forgotten about what had preceded the big freeze. "They weren't too bad, you know."

"Good, good. I like them. Of course, they're a bit poppy for my taste, but I can sort of see the appeal."

Things went quiet after that.

To fill the empty space, Robert tapped a beat on his dashboard and hummed a soulful tune.

That was when something occurred to Hannah. "So, you were with my Mum tonight, huh?"

"Well, she was in my bar."

"The one you invited her to?"

"She told you about that?"

"Didn't have to. My window faces your house."

A shade of red coloured Robert's face. "Your Mum is a very pleasant neighbour."

"That's not what I was getting at."

"I know what you were getting at, but I considered it to be quite direct, so I pretended not to have heard you."

"I'm just trying to make sure everyone is safe."

"I didn't realise you'd be the protective one of the family."

So he had considered it enough to calculate whether Marie or her would post the bigger obstacle. Interesting.

"Trust me, it's not her that I'm protecting."

Robert gazed at her with those eyes which were like dark pools of tar. Then he chuckled. He did have a lovely laugh. Hannah had to admit that much. And he was very handsome. Annoyingly so.

More people continued to filter away from the pier so that it became almost barren and there was still no sign of Marie.

That was when Hannah began to worry.

Had something unexpected happened to her? Maybe her friends had to rush her to hospital too. It'd be just their luck as a family.

"You don't think your sister would've went up to the Woods, do you?" Robert asked.

"Why would she do that?"

"Well, I might be old, but I know that a lot of teenagers go up there to kiss boys and girls and watch the fireworks."

The Shadow SistersOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz