[E1] Chapter 11 - Marie Shadow

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Marie trailed after Riley, Deja, and Curtis, as she analysed the ugly beige impostor on her plate masquerading as mashed potatoes. Had this school even heard of butter?

"Wow, looks like the weirdos found a new member."

Deja, Curtis, and Riley rushed onward as if pushed by a strong gust.

Marie, however, veered around and saw a table of seven people all spread evenly apart. "Who said that?" she demanded.

The one in the middle, the girl with shiny brown hair, glossy lips, and astoundingly long eyelashes, recoiled. "Goodness, she's a bit of a sensitive one, isn't she?"

"Better go easy on her, Katie," said a girl with red hair, "Don't want her crying off to Benson."

"Yeah, you're already in hot water after the Matilda Renshaw incident."

They all chuckled about this.

Marie's gaze zeroed in upon the girl with the brown hair, the girl in the middle. She was sure that this 'Katie', this ringleader, was the one who'd made the original comment.

"Don't worry, seems like she might be a bit dull," Katie said in a stage whisper.

"You know," said one of the cookie-cutter athletic boys, "You're still new. You don't have to consult with their type. You have options, for God's sake."

Marie glanced around. Deja, Curtis, and Riley had all stopped to watch her. Curtis appeared to be mouthing some sort of warning, while Riley and Deja were frozen to the spot.

Marie spun around to face one among the selection of broad boys, hoping she had the correct individual among the clones. "Did you say consult? That's an awfully big word coming from someone like you, but I'd double-check your thesaurus because I think the word you were looking for was consort."

His friends all laughed, even as he scowled, fiercely.

"Fine," he said, pulling back the proffered chair. "Offer is off the table."

"Oh, thank goodness for that. That'll save me the erroneous task of rejecting it. There's an awful wreak of narcissism in this corner of the canteen and I don't think I could stand it for much longer."

The expressions of Riley, Deja, and Curtis were all a picture. Deja and Curtis were both grinning ear to ear as if they'd been offered an extra portion of custard and cake.

Riley, however, had a face like she'd just witnessed Marie prodding an extremely grumpy lion with a very pointy stick.

"What did you just say to him?" Katie asked.

"Did you fail to hear me or is it just that you need me to explain slowly so you have a better chance of understanding?" Marie asked.

"You little-"

"Leave it, Kat," said a dark-haired boy to her left.

"You expect me to let her talk to us like that and just let her walk away?"

"Look on the bright side," Marie said. "You could use the spare seat to prop up a mirror. That way you'll be able to look across at what you love most."

They were all clearly flabbergasted. It was not the most original of jibes. In fact, Marie knew she had better work in the past, but it was more likely the shock that stunned them, that anyone would have the audacity to speak to them in such a way.

Oddly though, one of the boys, the one with long dark hair, was doing his best to repress a chuckle. He covered his mouth with his hand to hide it from his friends, but it was quite obvious by how his cheeks twitched.

Marie left them to their own devices before they could snatch in the last word. She settled across the room, at one of the small circular tables that held the four of them. They must have sat in silence for maybe a minute, trying to remain calm, before the other three burst into a frenzy, with one trying to speak over the other.

"Sheesh, one at a time, please," Marie said, pulling her tray close. Out of nowhere, she suddenly felt like she had an appetite.

"I can't believe you just said all of that to Katie Burke," Deja said.

"That was, without a doubt, the greatest thing I've ever seen," Curtis said. "You're already a Willow Wood legend."

"And it's only your first day," Deja said.

Marie rolled her eyes. She glanced at Riley for some rational retaliation, but Riley's eyes foretold that she was no longer present at the table, so Marie redirected her attention back to the other two.

"Don't you reckon that's a bit of an exaggeration?"

"Not in the slightest," Deja said.

"I just hope you're ready," Curtis said.

Marie blew out air. "Why's that? They've already offered for me to share in their company. There can't be anything worse than that to throw at me."

"Well, you've just gone to the top of their hit list," Curtis said.

"I've done what now?"

"He's right," Deja said, nodding emphatically. "Just prepare yourself for the worst."

"Yeah, they're probably the last people in Willow Wood that you'd have wanted to make enemies of," Curtis said.

"They're even worse than the devil worshippers," Riley muttered.

"The what?" Marie asked.

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