We'll get through this together

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Sabrina and Eddie arrive at the house.

"Sabrina, what's going on? Please tell me!" Eddie asks Sabrina.

"Nothing Eddie! Nothings going on! Just please, leaving me alone would be the best thing you could do for me if you want to help me." Sabrina tells Eddie annoyed.

Eddie goes to his room. Sabrina sits on the couch and then the phone rings so Sabrina goes to pick it up.

"Hello?" Sabrina asks the caller.

"Sabrina, hi! I was hoping to talk to you. Listen, me, Robin and Max think we know what's going on. Could you meet us at the library?" Nancy asks Sabrina sounding happy but sad.

"Yeah but, I'll have to ask Eddie to give me a ride there." Sabrina tells Nancy.

"Yeah, of course. By the way, you should probably go home afterwards. Not to Eddie's house but your house." Nancy suggests.

Sabrina hangs up the call and goes to knock on Eddie's door.

"Eddie?" Sabrina says nervously.

"Yeah?" Eddie says as he walks towards the door and opens it.

"Sabrina! Hi, what's up-" Eddie paused looking at her realizing that she looks awfully pale.

"What's wrong?" Sabrina asks Eddie looking at how his expression looks like he's seen a ghost.

"Sabbi," Eddie looks down at the ground then back up at her. "I'm sorry, you just look so...so..." Eddie stops to think if his comment might hurt her.

"What's wrong with what I look like?" Sabrina asks Eddie looking around.

"You just look, well, you look so...pale." Eddie says placing his hand on her shoulder.

Sabrina eyes widen as she looks to the side trying not to look back at Eddie with tears rolling down her cheeks.

"Sabrina, no don't cry! Come here." Eddie says comforting her and bringing her into a warm hug.

"I'm sorry for not telling you sooner, but I," Tears start flowing down Sabrina's eyes as she finishes her sentence. "I have an, eating disorder. I found out last month when I went to the doctors for a check up."

Eddie let's go of the hug and looks at Sabrina with his eyes watering.

"Sabrina, we can do this together. Okay?" Eddie tells Sabrina as he wipes his tears.

"I love you." Sabrina tells Eddie smiling at him.

"I love you too Sabbi. I love you too." Eddie says taking Sabrina's hand and kissing it.

Sabrina hugs Eddie and then they both walk to the living room together.

"I doubt that you probably want me to ask this question right now but, would you like to be my girlfriend?" Eddie ask Sabrina.

Apples  ||Sabrina Harrington x Eddie Munson||Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat